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Rudolf Agricola School for Sustainable Development
Bringing sustainability science forward

Networks & Sustainability

People are starting to realize that making the planet sustainable means using comprehensive methods that involve different fields and connect humans with nature.

Network approaches are increasingly used to study links within and between human and non-human entities. This can provide insights into how these interconnected systems are governed, structured, evolve over time, and respond to external events.

Multidisciplinary specializations 

The scholars involved in this research group represent network analysts from a wide range of disciplines: Communication & Journalism, Education, Human Geography, Media,  Science & Engineering, Economics & finance, Social Psychology, and Sociology.

We share commonalities in our theoretical approaches and methodological toolkits, and our concern for improving our understanding of the links between networks and sustainability. In developing this research group, we seek to draw from our various disciplinary backgrounds, while at the same time deepening our understanding of networks, network theory and tools, and the role networks play in shaping a sustainable world. 

Global perspective 

Many of us have professional networks spanning locally and globally, and thus, we seek to align our efforts with local and international partners around the globe.

Open to new members 

We are open to attracting new members. The current list of researchers participating in this research group are listed below. Please get in touch with any of the Lead Researchers if you are interested in participating in the group’s activities or becoming a member.

Examples of research topics/themes 

The range of research topics and themes characterizing our research group all lie at the intersection of social networks and aspects of the environment. Examples include the following:  

Bipartite and multilayer network approaches: for studying coupled and tele coupled social-environmental interactions.

Networks & sustainable outcomes: investigating firm, trade, transport, & energy networks in relation to pro-environmental innovations, policies, and development.

Networks & pro-environmental perceptions and behavior: participatory stakeholder engagement & mediation, networks & local communities for sustainable transformations

Associated Researchers Contact - Academic Leads

Christina Prell (Faculty of Spatial Sciences)

Marc Esteve Del Valle (Faculty of Arts)

Wander Jager (University College Groningen)

Last modified:10 July 2024 3.44 p.m.
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