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Research Zernike (ZIAM) Bio-inspired Circuits & Systems Chicca group



Gibertini, P., Fehlings, L., Mikolajick, T., Chicca, E., Kappel, D., & Covi, E. (2024). Coincidence Detection with an Analog Spiking Neuron Exploiting Ferroelectric Polarization. In ISCAS 2024 - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems). IEEE.
Quintana, F. M., Perez-Peña, F., Galindo, P. L., Neftci, E. O., Chicca, E., & Khacef, L. (2024). ETLP: event-based three-factor local plasticity for online learning with neuromorphic hardware. Neuromorphic computing and engineering, 4(3), Article 034006.
Schoepe, T., Janotte, E., Milde, M. B., Bertrand, O. J. N., Egelhaaf, M., & Chicca, E. (2024). Finding the gap: Neuromorphic motion-vision in dense environments. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article 817.
Cipollini, D., Greatorex, H., Mastella, M., Chicca, E., & Schomaker, L. (2024). Fused-MemBrain: A spiking processor combining CMOS and self-assembled memristive networks.
Schoepe, T., Drix, D., Schüffny, F. M., Miko, R., Sutton, S., Chicca, E., & Schmuker, M. (2024). Odour Localization in Neuromorphic Systems. In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems). IEEE.
Greatorex, H., Richter, O., Mastella, M., Cotteret, M., Klein, P., Fabre, M., Rubino, A., Girão, W. S., Chen, J., Ziegler, M., Bégon-Lours, L., Indiveri, G., & Chicca, E. (2024). TEXEL: A neuromorphic processor with on-chip learning for beyond-CMOS device integration. arXiv.


Nilsson, M., Pina, T. J., Khacef, L., Liwicki, F., Chicca, E., & Sandin, F. (2023). A Comparison of Temporal Encoders for Neuromorphic Keyword Spotting with Few Neurons. In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN): Proceedings (Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks). IEEE.
Richter, O., Greatorex, H., Hučko, B., Cotteret, M., Soares Girão, W., Janotte, E., Mastella, M., & Chicca, E. (2023). A Subthreshold Second-Order Integration Circuit for Versatile Synaptic Alpha Kernel and Trace Generation. In AMC ICONS2023 (pp. 1-4). Article 33 ACM Press.
Schoepe, T., Gutierrez-Galan, D., Dominguez-Morales, J. P., Greatorex, H., Jimenez-Fernandez, A., Linares-Barranco, A., & Chicca, E. (2023). Closed-loop sound source localization in neuromorphic systems. Neuromorphic computing and engineering, 3(2), Article 024009.
Wang, X., Risi, N., Talavera Martínez, E., Chicca, E., & Azzopardi, G. (2023). Fall detection with event-based data: A case study. In N. Tsapatsoulis (Ed.), Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 20th International Conference, CAIP 2023 Limassol, Cyprus, September 25–28, 2023 Proceedings, Part II (pp. 33-42). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 14185). Springer.
Schoepe, T., & Chicca, E. (2023). Finding the Goal: Insect-Inspired Spiking Neural Network for Heading Error Estimation. In 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2023 (pp. 4727-4733). (IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Kugele, A., Pfeil, T., Pfeiffer, M., & Chicca, E. (2023). How Many Events Make an Object? Improving Single-frame Object Detection on the 1 Mpx Dataset. In Proceedings - 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, CVPRW 2023 (pp. 3913-3922). (IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops; Vol. 2023-June). IEEE Computer Society.
Bouanane, M. S., Cherifi, D., Chicca, E., & Khacef, L. (2023). Impact of spiking neurons leakages and network recurrences on event-based spatio-temporal pattern recognition. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17, Article 1244675.
Cotteret, M., Richter, O., Mastella, M., Greatorex, H., Janotte, E., Soares Girão, W., Ziegler, M., & Chicca, E. (2023). Robust Spiking Attractor Networks with a Hard Winner-Take-All Neuron Circuit. In 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS): Proceedings IEEE.
Khacef, L., Klein, P., Cartiglia, M., Rubino, A., Indiveri, G., & Chicca, E. (2023). Spike-based local synaptic plasticity: a survey of computational models and neuromorphic circuits. Neuromorphic computing and engineering, 3(4), Article 042001.
Mastella, M., Greatorex, H., Cotteret, M., Janotte, E., Soares Girão, W., Richter, O., & Chicca, E. (2023). Synaptic Normalisation for On-Chip Learning in Analog CMOS Spiking Neural Networks. In ACM ICONS2023: Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems (pp. 1-4). Article 34 ACM Press.


Schoepe, T., Janotte, E., Milde, M. B., Bertrand, O. J. N., Egelhaaf, M., & Chicca, E. (2022). Finding the Gap: Neuromorphic Motion Vision in Cluttered Environments. Research Square Company.
Kugele, A., Pfeil, T., Pfeiffer, M., & Chicca, E. (2022). Hybrid SNN-ANN: Energy-Efficient Classification and Object Detection for Event-Based Vision. In C. Bauckhage, J. Gall, & A. Schwing (Eds.), Pattern Recognition (pp. 297–312). (Pattern Recognition. DAGM GCPR), (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 13024). Springer.
Cotteret, M., Greatorex, H., Ziegler, M., & Chicca, E. (2022). Vector Symbolic Finite State Machines in Attractor Neural Networks. arXiv.


Gutierrez-Galan, D., Schoepe, T., Dominguez-Morales, J. P., Jimenez-Fernandez, A., Chicca, E., & Linares-Barranco, A. (2022). An Event-Based Digital Time Difference Encoder Model Implementation for Neuromorphic Systems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 33(5), 1959-1973.
Sengupta, D., Mastella, M., Chicca, E., & Kottapalli, A. G. P. (2022). Skin-Inspired Flexible and Stretchable Electrospun Carbon Nanofiber Sensors for Neuromorphic Sensing. Acs applied electronic materials, 4(1), 308-315.
Mastella, M., & Chicca, E. (2021). A Hardware-friendly Neuromorphic Spiking Neural Network for Frequency Detection and Fine Texture Decoding. In 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (pp. 1-5). Article 9401377 IEEE.
Jürgensen, A. M., Khalili, A., Chicca, E., Indiveri, G., & Nawrot, M. P. (2021). A neuromorphic model of olfactory processing and sparse coding in the Drosophila larva brain. Neuromorphic computing and engineering, 1(2), Article 024008.
Dabbous, A., Mastella, M., Natarajan, A., Chicca, E., Valle, M., & Bartolozzi, C. (2021). Artificial Bio-inspired Tactile Receptive Fields for Edge Orientation Classification. In 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (pp. 1-5). Article 9401749 IEEE.
Covi, E., Duong, Q. T., Lancaster, S., Havel, V., Coignus, J., Barbot, J., Richter, O., Klein, P., Chicca, E., Grenouillet, L., Dimoulas, A., Mikolajick, T., & Slesazeck, S. (2021). Ferroelectric Tunneling Junctions for Edge Computing. In 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (pp. 1-5). Article 9401800 IEEE.
Janotte, E., Mastella, M., Chicca, E., & Bartolozzi, C. (2021). Touch in Robots: A Neuromorphic Approach. ERCIM News, Brain-Inspired Computing(125), 34-51.


Chicca, E., & Indiveri, G. (2020). A recipe for creating ideal hybrid memristive-CMOS neuromorphic processing systems. Applied Physics Letters, 116(12), Article 120501.
Pedretti, G., Mannocci, P., Hashemkhani, S., Milo, V., Melnic, O., Chicca, E., & Ielmini, D. (2020). A Spiking Recurrent Neural Network With Phase-Change Memory Neurons and Synapses for the Accelerated Solution of Constraint Satisfaction Problems. Ieee journal on exploratory solid-State computational devices and circuits, 6(1), 89-97. Article 9086758.
Pedretti, G., Milo, V., Hashemkhani, S., Mannocci, P., Melnic, O., Chicca, E., & Ielmini, D. (2020). A Spiking Recurrent Neural Network with Phase Change Memory Synapses for Decision Making. In 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) IEEE.
Linares-Barranco, A., Perez-Pena, F., Jimenez-Fernandez, A., & Chicca, E. (2020). ED-BioRob: A Neuromorphic Robotic Arm With FPGA-Based Infrastructure for Bio-Inspired Spiking Motor Controllers. Frontiers in neurorobotics, 14, Article 590163.
Kugele, A., Pfeil, T., Pfeiffer, M., & Chicca, E. (2020). Efficient Processing of Spatio-Temporal Data Streams With Spiking Neural Networks. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14, Article 439.
D'Angelo, G., Janotte, E., Schoepe, T., O'Keeffe, J., Milde, M. B., Chicca, E., & Bartolozzi, C. (2020). Event-Based Eccentric Motion Detection Exploiting Time Difference Encoding. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14, Article 451.
Schoepe, T., Gutierrez-Galan, D., Dominguez-Morales, J. P., Jimenez-Fernandez, A., Linares-Barranco, A., & Chicca, E. (2020). Live Demonstration: Neuromorphic Sensory Integration for Combining Sound Source Localization and Collision Avoidance. Abstract from 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems, Seville, Spain.
Schoepe, T., Gutierrez-Galan, D., Dominguez-Morales, J. P., Jimenez-Fernandez, A., Linares-Barranco, A., & Chicca, E. (2020). Live Demonstration: Neuromorphic Sensory Integration for Combining Sound Source Localization and Collision Avoidance. In 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) IEEE.


Thakur, C. S., Molin, J. L., Cauwenberghs, G., Indiveri, G., Kumar, K., Qiao, N., Schemmel, J., Wang, R., Chicca, E., Hasler, J. O., Seo, J., Yu, S., Cao, Y., van Schaik, A., & Etienne-Cummings, R. (2019). Large-Scale Neuromorphic Spiking Array Processors: A Quest to Mimic the Brain (vol 12, 891, 2018). Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12, Article 991.
Schoepe, T., Gutierrez-Galan, D., Dominguez-Morales, J. P., Jimenez-Fernandez, A., Linares-Barranco, A., & Chicca, E. (2019). Neuromorphic Sensory Integration for Combining Sound Source Localization and Collision Avoidance. In 2019 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) IEEE.
Suresh, B., Bertele, M., Breyer, E. T., Klein, P., Mulaosmanovic, H., Mikolajick, T., Slesazeck, S., & Chicca, E. (2019). Simulation of integrate-and-fire neuron circuits using HfO2-based ferroelectric field effect transistors. In 2019 26th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2019 (pp. 229-232). Article 8965004 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..


Milo, V., Chicca, E., & Ielmini, D. (2018). Brain-Inspired Recurrent Neural Network with Plastic RRAM Synapses. In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) IEEE.
Basu, A., Chang, M.-F., Chicca, E., Karnik, T., Li, H., & Seo, J.-S. (2018). Guest Editorial Low-Power, Adaptive Neuromorphic Systems: Devices, Circuit, Architectures and Algorithms. IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, 8(1), 1-5.
Thakur, C. S., Molin, J. L., Cauwenberghs, G., Indiveri, G., Kumar, K., Qiao, N., Schemmel, J., Wang, R., Chicca, E., Hasler, J. O., Seo, J., Yu, S., Cao, Y., van Schaik, A., & Etienne-Cummings, R. (2018). Large-Scale Neuromorphic Spiking Array Processors: A Quest to Mimic the Brain. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12, Article 891.
Mulaosmanovic, H., Chicca, E., Bertele, M., Mikolajick, T., & Slesazeck, S. (2018). Mimicking biological neurons with a nanoscale ferroelectric transistor. Nanoscale, 10(46), 21755-21763.
Donati, E., Perez-Peña, F., Bartolozzi, C., Indiveri, G., & Chicca, E. (2018). Open-Loop Neuromorphic Controller Implemented on VLSI Devices. In 2018 7th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (Biorob) IEEE.
Milo, V., Pedretti, G., Laudato, M., Bricalli, A., Ambrosi, E., Bianchi, S., Chicca, E., & Ielmini, D. (2018). Resistive switching synapses for unsupervised learning in feed-forward and recurrent neural networks. In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) IEEE.
Milde, M. B., Bertrand, O. J. N., Ramachandran, H., Egelhaaf, M., & Chicca, E. (2018). Spiking Elementary Motion Detector in Neuromorphic Systems. Neural computation, 30(9), 2384-2417.
Ziegler, M., Wenger, C., Chicca, E., & Kohlstedt, H. (2018). Tutorial: Concepts for closely mimicking biological learning with memristive devices: Principles to emulate cellular forms of learning. Journal of Applied Physics, 124(15), Article 152003.
Rüttgers, S., Klein, P., Ziegler, M., & Chicca, E. (2018). Unsupervised MNIST Learning in an analog Spiking Neural Network using digital memristive devices. Abstract from Conference in Cognitive Computing 2018 , Hannover, Germany.


Milo, V., Ielmini, D., & Chicca, E. (2017). Attractor networks and associative memories with STDP learning in RRAM synapses. In 2017 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) IEEE.
Perez-Peña, F., Leñero-Bardallo, J. A., Linares-Barranco, A., & Chicca, E. (2017). Towards Bioinspired Close-Loop Local Motor Control: A Simulated Approach Supporting Neuromorphic Implementations. In 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) IEEE.


Huayaney, F. L. M., & Chicca, E. (2016). A VLSI Implementation of a calcium-based plasticity learning model. In 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) IEEE.
Chang, J., Sonkusale, S., Yalcin, M., Ogunfunmi, T., Vanderwalle, J., Zhu, W.-P., Liu, Z., Chang, R. C.-H., Chicca, E., Callegari, S., Chu, C.-C., Dudek, P., Lee, G. G., & Chowdhury, M. (2016). Current And Emergent Topics. In F. Maloberti, & A. C. Davies (Eds.), A Short History of Circuits And Systems (pp. 255-265). River Publishers.
Mayr, C. G., Sheik, S., Bartolozzi, C., & Chicca, E. (2016). Editorial: Synaptic Plasticity for Neuromorphic Systems. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10, Article 214.
Biolek, D., Carrara, S., Chicca, E., Corinto, F., Georgiou, J., Linares-Barranco, B., Prodromakis, T., Spiga, S., & Tetzlaff, R. (2016). EU COST action IC1401 - Pushing the frontiers of memristive devices to systems. In 2016 18th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON) IEEE.
Nease, S., & Chicca, E. (2016). Floating-Gate-Based Intrinsic Plasticity with Low-Voltage Rate Control. In 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (pp. 2507-2510). IEEE.
Schirmer, M., Stradolini, F., Carrara, S., & Chicca, E. (2016). FPGA-based Approach for Automatic Peak Detection in Cyclic Voltammetry. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS) (pp. 65-68). IEEE.
Huayaney, F. L. M., Nease, S., & Chicca, E. (2016). Learning in Silicon Beyond STDP: A Neuromorphic Implementation of Multi-Factor Synaptic Plasticity With Calcium-Based Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I - Regular papers, 63(12), 2189-2199.
Engelmann, J., Walther, T., Grant, K., Chicca, E., & Gomez-Sena, L. (2016). Modeling latency code processing in the electric sense: from the biological template to its VLSI implementation. Bioinspiration & biomimetics, 11(5), Article 055007.


Staar, B., Schirmer, M., Bai-Rossi, C., Micheli, G. D., Carrara, S., & Chicca, E. (2015). A neural approach to drugs monitoring for personalized medicine. In 2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) IEEE.
Milde, M. B., Bertrand, O. J. N., Benosman, R., Egelhaaf, M., & Chicca, E. (2015). Bioinspired event-driven collision avoidance algorithm based on optic flow. In 2015 International Conference on Event-based Control, Communication, and Signal Processing (EBCCSP) IEEE.
Richter, O., Reinhart, R. F., Nease, S., Steil, J., & Chicca, E. (2015). Device mismatch in a neuromorphic system implements random features for regression. 1-4. Paper presented at 2015 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS).
Nease, S., & Chicca, E. (2015). Power-Efficient Estimation of Silicon Neuron Firing Rates with Floating-Gate Transistors. In 2015 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD) IEEE.
Thomas, A., Niehoerster, S., Fabretti, S., Shepheard, N., Kuschel, O., Kuepper, K., Wollschlaeger, J., Kzysteczko, P., & Chicca, E. (2015). Tunnel junction based memristors as artificial synapses. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, Article 241.


Perez-Peña, F., Linares-Barranco, A., & Chicca, E. (2014). An approach to motor control for spike-based neuromorphic robotics. In 2014 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) Proceedings (pp. 528-531). IEEE.
Coath, M., Sheik, S., Chicca, E., Indiveri, G., Denham, S. L., & Wennekers, T. (2014). A robust sound perception model suitable for neuromorphic implementation. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 7, Article 278.
Sandin, F., Khan, A. I., Dyer, A. G., Amin, A. H. M., Indiveri, G., Chicca, E., & Osipov, E. (2014). Concept Learning in Neuromorphic Vision Systems: What Can We Learn from Insects? Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 7, 387-395.
Ramachandran, H., Weber, S., Aamir, S. A., & Chicca, E. (2014). Neuromorphic Circuits for Short-term Plasticity with Recovery Control. In 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (pp. 858-861). IEEE.
Chicca, E., Stefanini, F., Bartolozzi, C., & Indiveri, G. (2014). Neuromorphic Electronic Circuits for Building Autonomous Cognitive Systems. Proceedings of the IEEE, 102(9), 1367-1388.
Chicca, E., Schmuker, M., & Nawrot, M. P. (2014). Neuromorphic Sensors, Olfaction. In D. Jaeger, & R. Jung (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience Springer New York LLC.


Rost, T., Ramachandran, H., Nawrot, M. P., & Chicca, E. (2013). A neuromorphic approach to auditory pattern recognition in cricket phonotaxis. In 2013 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD) IEEE.
Aamir, S. A., Engelmann, J., Gomez, L., & Chicca, E. (2013). A Neuromorphic VLSI Implementation of a Simplified Electrosensory System in a Weakly Electric Fish.
Morabito, F. C., Andreou, A. G., & Chicca, E. (2013). Neuromorphic Engineering: From Neural Systems to Brain-Like Engineered Systems. Neural Networks, 45, 1-3.
Neftci, E., Binas, J., Rutishauser, U., Chicca, E., Indiveri, G., & Douglas, R. J. (2013). Synthesizing cognition in neuromorphic electronic systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(37), E3468-E3476.


Sheik, S., Coath, M., Indiveri, G., Denham, S. L., Wennekers, T., & Chicca, E. (2012). Emergent auditory feature tuning in a real-time neuromorphic VLSI system. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6, Article 17.
Sheik, S., Chicca, E., & Indiveri, G. (2012). Exploiting Device Mismatch in Neuromorphic VLSI Systems to Implement Axonal Delays. In The 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (pp. 1940-1945). IEEE.
Corneil, D., Sonnleithner, D., Neftci, E., Chicca, E., Cook, M., Indiveri, G., & Douglas, R. J. (2012). Function approximation with uncertainty propagation in a VLSI spiking neural network. In The 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (pp. 2990-2996). IEEE.
Corneil, D., Sonnleithner, D., Neftci, E., Chicca, E., Cook, M., Indiveri, G., & Douglas, R. J. (2012). Real-time inference in a VLSI spiking neural network. In 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (pp. 2425-2428). IEEE.
Neftci, E., Binas, J., Chicca, E., Indiveri, G., & Douglas, R. J. (2012). Systematic Construction of Finite State Automata Using VLSI Spiking Neurons. In T. J. Prescott, N. F. Lepora, A. Mura, & P. F. M. J. Verschure (Eds.), Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems: First International Conference, Living Machines 2012, Barcelona, Spain, July 9-12, 2012. Proceedings (Vol. 7375, pp. 382-383). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 7375). Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.


Neftci, E., Chicca, E., Indiveri, G., & Douglas, R. (2011). A Systematic Method for Configuring VLSI Networks of Spiking Neurons. Neural computation, 23(10), 2457-2497.
Indiveri, G., & Chicca, E. (2011). A VLSI neuromorphic device for implementing spike-based neural networks. In B. Apolloni, S. Bassis, A. Esposito, & C. F. Morabito (Eds.), Neural Nets WIRN11 - Proceedings of the 21st Italian Workshop on Neural Nets (Vol. 234, pp. 305-316). ( Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications; Vol. 234). IOS Press.
Sheik, S., Stefanini, F., Neftci, E., Chicca, E., & Indiveri, G. (2011). Systematic configuration and automatic tuning of neuromorphic systems. In 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (pp. 873-876). IEEE.
Moraud, E. M., & Chicca, E. (2011). Toward Neuromorphic Odor Tracking: Perspectives for space exploration. Acta Futura, 4(8), 9-19.


Beyeler, M., Stefanini, F., Proske, H., Galizia, G., & Chicca, E. (2010). Exploring Olfactory Sensory Networks: Simulations and Hardware Emulation. In 2010 Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) (pp. 270-273). IEEE.
Neftci, E., Chicca, E., Cook, M., Indiveri, G., & Douglas, R. (2010). Live demonstration: State-dependent sensory processing in networks of VLSI spiking neurons. In ISCAS 2010 - 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems: Nano-Bio Circuit Fabrics and Systems (pp. 2788). Article 5537006 IEEE.
Indiveri, G., Stefanini, F., & Chicca, E. (2010). Spike-based learning with a generalized integrate and fire silicon neuron. In Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (pp. 1951-1954). IEEE.
Emre, N., Chicca, E., Indiveri, G., & Douglas, R. (2010). State-dependent sensory processing in distributed networks of vlsi spiking neurons. Paper presented at 4th International Conference on Cognitive Systems, CogSys 2010, Zurich, Switzerland.
Neftci, E., Chicca, E., Cook, M., Indiveri, G., & Douglas, R. J. (2010). State-dependent sensory processing in networks of VLSI spiking neurons. In Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (pp. 2789-2792). IEEE.


Indiveri, G., Chicca, E., & Douglas, R. J. (2009). Artificial Cognitive Systems: From VLSI Networks of Spiking Neurons to Neuromorphic Cognition. Cognitive computation, 1(2), 119-127.


Neftci, E., Chicca, E., Indiveri, G., Slotine, J.-J., & Douglas, R. J. (2008). Contraction Properties of VLSI Cooperative Competitive Neural Networks of Spiking Neurons. In J. C. Platt, D. Koller, Y. Singer, & S. Roweis (Eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) (Vol. 20, pp. 1073-1080). The MIT Press.
Tapson, J., Diaz, J., Sander, D., Gurari, N., Chicca, E., Pouliquen, P., & Etienne-Cummings, R. (2008). The Feeling of Color: A Haptic Feedback Device for the Visually Disabled. In 2008 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BIOCAS) (pp. 381-384). IEEE.


Chicca, E., Whatley, A. M., Lichtsteiner, P., Dante, V., Delbruck, T., Del Giudice, P., Douglas, R. J., & Indiveri, G. (2007). A Multichip Pulse-Based Neuromorphic Infrastructure and Its Application to a Model of Orientation Selectivity. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I - Regular papers, 54(5), 981-993.
Chicca, E., Indiveri, G., & Douglas, R. J. (2007). Context dependent amplification of both rate and event-correlation in a VLSI network of spiking neurons. In B. Schölkopf, J. Platt, & T. Hofmann (Eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19 - Proceedings of the 2006 Conference (pp. 257-264). (Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems). MIT Press.
Wang, H.-P., Chicca, E., Indiveri, G., & Sejnowski, T. J. (2007). Reliable Computation in Noisy Backgrounds Using Real-Time Neuromorphic Hardware. In 2007 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) (pp. 71-74). IEEE.


Chicca, E. (2006). A Neuromorphic VLSI System for Modeling Spike-Based Cooperative Competitive Neural Networks. [Thesis fully external, UNI, ETH Zurich, ETH, Inst Neuroinformat]. ETH Zurich.
Indiveri, G., Chicca, E., & Douglas, R. (2006). A VLSI array of low-power spiking neurons and bistable synapses with spike-timing dependent plasticity. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 17(1), 211-221.
Chicca, E., Lichtsteiner, P., Delbruck, T., Indiveri, G., & Douglas, R. J. (2006). Modeling Orientation Selectivity Using a Neuromorphic Multi-Chip System. In 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (pp. 1235-1238). IEEE.


Chicca, E., Indiveri, G., & Douglas, R. J. (2004). An event-based VLSI network of integrate-and-fire neurons. In 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (Vol. 5). IEEE.
Indiveri, G., Chicca, E., & Douglas, R. J. (2004). A VLSI reconfigurable network of integrate-and-fire neurons with spike-based learning synapses. In Proceedings of 12th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN04) (pp. 405-410). ESANN.
Rubin, D. B., Chicca, E., & Indiveri, G. (2004). Characterizing the firing properties of an adaptive analog VLSI neuron. In AJ. Ijspeert, M. Murata, & N. Wakamiya (Eds.), Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology (pp. 189-200). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 3141). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Rubin, D. B.-D., Chicca, E., & Indiveri, G. (2004). Firing proprieties of an adaptive analog VLSI neuron. In Proceedings of Bio-ADIT 2004 , Lausanne (pp. 314-327)


Chicca, E., Indiveri, G., & Douglas, R. J. (2003). An adaptive silicon synapse. In Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS '03 (pp. I81-I84). IEEE.
Chicca, E., Badoni, D., Dante, V., D'Andreagiovanni, M., Salina, G., Carota, L., Fusi, S., & Del Giudice, P. (2003). A VLSI recurrent network of integrate-and-fire neurons connected by plastic synapses with long-term memory. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 14(5), 1297-1307.
Last modified:09 June 2023 8.36 p.m.