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Research GELIFES

Current PhD Projects

Gargi Ahuja

Gargi Ahuja

Supervisors: Eddy van der Zee (NeuBio), Arjan Kortholt (GBB)

Combating Parkinson’s disease by modulating the activity of the kinase LRKK2 by way of passive exercise and an evolutionary approach

Nadja Brait

Nadja Brait

Supervisors: Joana Falcao Salles GREEN), Sebastian Lequime (GREEN)

Evolutionary interactions between flaviviruses

Misshelle Bustamante Ordonez

Misshelle A. Bustamante Ordonez

Supervisors: Franjo Weissing (TRÊS), Oscar Kuipers (GBB), Marjon de Vos (GREEN)

The role of eco-evolutionary interactions on the spread of antimicrobial resistance in pathogenic microbial communities

Isabelle Buyens

Isabelle P.R. Buyens

Supervisor: Chris Smit (ConsEco)

When the going gets tough - How facilitation influences plant community structure across severity gradients

Hannah Charan-Dixon

Hannah C. Charan-Dixon

Supervisors: Klemens Eriksson (GREEN), Ingrid Tulp (Wageningen Marine Research)

The function of salt marches for fish in the Wadden Sea

Janet Chik

H.Y. Janet Chik

Supervisors: Hannah Dugdale (BPE), Simon Griffith (Macquarie University), Julia Schroeder (Imperial College London)

The effects of sociality on senescence under an environmental pollution context

Caterina Coral

Caterina Coral

Supervisors: Tjisse van der Heide (ConsEco), Tjeerd Bouma (ConsEco/NIOZ)

ReViFES – North Sea reef vitalisation for ecosystem services

Jon Dickson

Jon Dickson

Supervisors: Tjisse van der Heide (ConsEco), Klemens Eriksson (GREEN), Laura Govers (ConsEco)

Wadden Mosaic – Restoration of hard substrates

Bass Dye

Bass Dye

Supervisors: Klemens Eriksson (GREEN), Karline Soetaert (Utrecht University)

Essential fish habitat in the Wadden Sea

Maarten Hamberg

Maarten R. Hamberg

Supervisors: Roelof Hut (NeuBio), Robert Henning (UMCG), Robbert Havekes (NeuBio)

The cool brain - How hibernators maintain neuronal integrity

Solveig Höfer

Solveig H. Höfer

Supervisors: Tjisse van der Heide (ConsEco), Valérie Reijers (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Space for sand

Jan Kreider

Jan J. Kreider

Supervisors: Ido Pen (TRÊS), Leo Beukeboom (EGDB), Jan Komdeur (BPE)

Towards an eco-evo-devo theory for the evolution of eusociality - Integrating theory, field experiments and molecular genetics

Sanne Lamers

Sanne J.C. Lamers

Supervisors: Jean-Christophe Billeter (EGDB), Martien Kas (NeuBio)

A fly as best friend is an option too - The evolutionary conserved genetic pathways of sociability

Anna Langener

Anna M. Langener

Supervisors: Martien Kas (NeuBio), Laura Bringmann (FBSS), Gert Stulp (FBSS)

Using multimodal data to understand the social environment and its effect on wellbeing

Eva Lansu

Eva M. Lansu

Supervisors: Tjisse van der Heide (ConsEco), Valérie Reijers (NIOZ)

C-Scape - Defining the spatial dimensions of climate-resilient natural beach-dune landscapes

Kasper Meijer

Kasper J. Meijer

Supervisors: Han Olff (ConsEco), Tjisse van der Heide (ConsEco), Laura Govers (ConsEco)

How effective are marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Wadden Sea?

Elisa Pais Pellizzer

Elisa Pais Pellizzer

Supervisors: Joana Falcao Salles (GREEN), Lara Sette (UNESP)

Bioremediation of petroleum and derivatives in soil microcosms using different treatments

Morrison Pot

Morrison T. Pot

Supervisors: Marcel Visser (NIOO/NeuBio), Henk van der Jeugd (NIOO)

Towards understanding the avian migratory program

Carolina Prauchner Silva

Carolina Prauchner Silva

Supervisors: Rampal Etienne (TRÊS), Renan Maestri (UFRGS), Milton de Souza Mendonça (UFRGS)

Patterns and evolutive consequences of galling insects and its host plants interactions

Katrin Rehlmeyer

Katrin Rehlmeyer

Supervisors: Tjisse van der Heide (ConsEco), Laura Govers (ConsEco)

Exploring possibilities for subtidal seagrass restoration in the Dutch Wadden Sea

Jana Riederer

Jana M. Riederer

Supervisors: Franjo Weissing (TRÊS), Jan Komdeur (BPE)

Social determinants of evolvability

Lizzie Roeble

E.E. (Lizzie) Roeble

Supervisors: Rampal Etienne (TRÊS), Luis Lima Valente (Naturalis)

Global island biogeography and diversity dynamics of Asteraceae

Adithya Sarma

Adithya Sarma

Supervisors: Robbert Havekes (NeuBio), Jean-Christophe Billeter (EGDB)

An evolutionarily conserved pathway that links sociability, sleep and memory

Juliana Sosa Espinosa

Juliana P. Sosa Espinosa

Supervisors: Simon Verhulst (BPE), Marco Giraldo (University of Antioquia), Doekele Stavenga (FSE)

Colour and polarization signalling of Morpho butterflies

Aurelia Strauss

Aurelia F.T. Strauss

Supervisors: Barbara Helm (NeuBio), Marcel Visser (NIOO)

Chronotype of wild birds - Causes and consequences

Marcos Suarez Menendez

Marcos Suárez Menéndez

Supervisors: Per Palsbøll (GREEN), Klemens Eriksson (GREEN), Rampal Etienne (TRÊS)

Ecosystem iron retention and recycling in the pelagic phase via top predators

Marianthi Tangili

Marianthi Tangili

Supervisors: Simon Verhulst (BPE), Per Palsboll (GREEN), Hannah Dugdale (BPE)

DNA methylation as an epigenetic clock of biological age – A new tool to study ageing and ecology & evolution of life histories?

Marrit van der Bruggen

Marrit van der Bruggen

Supervisors: Leo Beukeboom (EGDB), Bregje Wertheim (EGDB), Joana Falcao Salles (GREEN)

Insects as sustainable feed for a circular economy - Housefly behaviour and well-being under mass rearing conditions

Roel van der Schoot

Roel J. van der Schoot

Supervisors: Bert Hoeksema (ConsEco/Naturalis), Charles Fransen (Naturalis)

Coral associated fauna, curse or blessing?

Maaike Vogel

Maaike Vogel

Supervisors: Bregje Wertheim (EGDB), Leo Beukeboom (EGDB), Joana Falcao Salles (GREEN)

Insects as sustainable feed for a circular economy - Housefly health and immunology under mass rearing conditions

Qingqing Wang

Qingqing W. Wang

Supervisors: Pablo Tittonell (ConsEco), K. Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology)

The historical and future impacts of climate change on global agricultural productivity

Maryann Watson

Maryann S. Watson

Supervisors: Klemens Eriksson (GREEN), Laura Govers (ConsEco)

The function of subtidal reefs for fish

Sterre Witte

E. Sterre Witte

Supervisors: Tjisse van der Heide (ConsEco), Laura Govers (ConsEco)

Wadden Mosaic – Restoration of epibenthic shellfish beds

Tianhao Zhao

Tianhao Zhao

Supervisors: Barbara Helm (NeuBio), Bregje Wertheim (EGDB)

Phenotypic and genetic differences of migratory songbirds from central China migration flyway


Last modified:22 May 2024 7.04 p.m.