Current PhD Projects
I. Maureen Baars
Supervisors: Irene Tieleman (BPE), Joana Falcao Salles (GREEN), Maurine Dietz (BPE)
Microbiome-mediated functions of avian preen glands - Understanding the chemosignalling and antimicrobial potentials
Luis Barba Escoto
Supervisors: Pablo Tittonell (ConsEco), Santiago López-Ridaura (CIMMYT, Mexico)
The effect of agricultural intensification on biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes
Ryan F.A. Brewer
Supervisors: Rampal Etienne (TRÊS), Luis Lima Valente (Naturalis), Frederic Lens (Naturalis)
Trait-dependent diversification of Canary Island plant lineages
Junfei Cao
Supervisors: Eddy van der Zee (NeuBio), Robbert Havekes (NeuBio)
The role of cofilin in synaptic plasticity and memory deficits associated with sleep problems in phenylketonuria (PKU)
Ricardo Contreras Osorio
Supervisors: Jan Komdeur (BPE), María del Coro Arizmendi Arriaga (UNAM, Mexico)
Birds in transition - Effects of ecosystem displacement caused by climate change
Taylor B. Craft
Supervisors: Theunis Piersma (ConsEco), Anne Beaulieu (Campus Fryslan)
Assessing agricultural sustainability by integrating remote sensing and animal ecology with agricultural practices
S. Delip K. Das
Supervisors: Theunis Piersma (ConsEco), Rampal Etienne (TRÊS)
Why do some Black-tailed Godwits winter in coastal mudflats while others choose inland freshwater habitats?
Ornela Dehayem Nanwou
Supervisors: Rampal Etienne (TRÊS), Frederic Lens (Naturalis), Luis Lima Valente (Naturalis)
Untangling the influence of traits on insular diversification - Theory
Xiaodan Guo
Supervisors: Gertjan van Dijk (NeuBio), Han Moshage (UMCG)
Natural products for the treatment of diabetes mellitus
Julia Hagauer
Supervisors: Felicity Jones (EGDB), Frank Chan (EGDB)
Divergence in gene regulatory response to contrasting environments between populations of threespined sticklebacks
Michael H. Kimaro
Supervisors: Han Olff (ConsEco), Kristen Denninger Snyder (Colorado State University/RISE, Tanzania)
Evaluating the efficacy, impacts, and perceptions of electric fencing as a human-wildlife conflict management tool in the western Serengeti
Yuhong Li
Supervisors: Han Olff (ConsEco), Michiel Veldhuis (Leiden University)
Consequences of variation in basal resource quality for the structure of savannah food webs
Michella Ligtelijn
Supervisors: Theunis Piersma (ConsEco), Matty Berg (ConsEco/VU)
Ecology of arthropod populations impacted by agriculture
Donghui Ma
Supervisors: Jan Komdeur (BPE), Franjo Weissing (TRÊS)
Our changing world - Do ecological factors and sociality shape adaptive potential in social animals?
Siyu Mei
Supervisors: Joana Falcao Salles (GREEN), Sebastian Lequime (GREEN)
Eco-evolutionary principles driving soil microbiome adaptations to environmental change
Rebecca Muller
Supervisors: Irene Tieleman (BPE), Barbara Helm (NeuBio), Arjun Amar (University of Cape Town)
Effects of climate change on life-cycle events in southern African birds
Jyotsna Nepal
Supervisors: Joana Falcao Salles (GREEN), Eléonore Attard (University of Pau), Rémy Guyoneaud (University of Pau)
Insights into the diversity of the endophytic community in potatoes and factors affecting this diversity
Camilla Paraciani
Supervisors: Robbert Havekes (NeuBio), Peter Meerlo (NeuBio)
Recovering memories thought to be lost in the sleep deprived brain
Mayerli A. Prado Rivera
Supervisors: Jocelien Olivier (NeuBio), Martien Kas (NeuBio)
Early life stress and development of the antisocial brain - Individual differences, neurobiological correlates and epigenetic mechanisms
Jorien C. Rippen
Supervisors: Klemens Eriksson (GREEN), Alwin Hylkema (WUR)
Foundation species on artificial reefs - Determined bottom-up or top-down?
Yang Shen
Supervisors: Rampal Etienne (TRÊS), Luis Lima Valente (Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin)
Macroevolution of mutualistic interactions on islands
Frigg J.D. Speelman
Supervisors: Hannah Dugdale (BPE), Simon Griffith (Macquarie University), David Rischardson (UEA)
Fitness benefits and heritability of long-term partnerships
Marie E.M. Stessens
Supervisors: Theunis Piersma (ConsEco), Rampal Etienne (TRÊS), Eldar Rakhimberdiev (ConsEco)
Demography and conservation of the Black-tailed godwit in the Netherlands
Michael van Dijk
Supervisors: Martien Kas (NeuBio), Robbert Havekes (Neubio), Remco Molenhuis (NeuBio)
Lost connections - Information transfer between the left and right brain hemispheres and its role in social behaviour
Renée Veenstra
Supervisors: Theunis Piersma (ConsEco), Matty Berg (ConsEco/VU)
The ecology of soil macrofauna in farmland ecosystems
Amandine Y. Vidal-Hosteng
Supervisors: Rampal Etienne (TRÊS), Christophe Thébaud (Université Paul Sabatier, France)
Island Biodiversity - Toward a new theory of non-equilibrium biodiversity
Sophie A. Wilhelm
Supervisors: Elkan Akyurek (BSS), Robbert Havekes (NeuBio)
I'm just not myself today - The cognitive consequences of sleep deprivation
Mingxuan Wu
Supervisors: Johan van de Koppel (ConsEco/NIOZ), Tjeerd Bouma (ConsEco/NIOZ/UU)
Interactions between plant traits and environmental forces drive the resilience of salt marsh ecosystems by shaping biogeomorphic patterns
Euan A. Young
Supervisors: Hannah Dugdale (BPE), Virpi Lummaa (University of Turku), Erik Postma (University of Sheffield)
Quantitative genetics of human life-history
Gaoyang Yu
Supervisors: Jan Komdeur (BPE), Peter Korsten (Bielefeld University)
Understanding individual variation in aggressiveness in females - What are the eco-evolutionary and physiological drivers?
Jiaoyue Zhu
Supervisors: Roelof Hut (NeuBio), Gertjan van Dijk (NeuBio), Dawei Wang (IPP-CAAS)
Interactions between photoperiod, circadian rhythmicity, energy balance and growth in mammals
Last modified: | 03 January 2025 1.26 p.m. |