Needed: A good – religious – story about solidarity
Date: | 28 February 2022 |
Author: | Sjaak Korver |
Recently, two editorial members of De Groene Amsterdammer analyzed the policy of the Dutch government with regards to the Covid crisis. Margreet Fogteloo shows that due to a lack of a clear narrative from the government, mutual solidarity between...
Spiritual Hierarchy of Being: The Embodied-Cognitive Perspective
Date: | 31 January 2022 |
Author: | Gorazd AndrejĨ & Olivier van Baars |
Why does Catholicism matter to reproductive technologies in Argentina?
Date: | 10 January 2022 |
Author: | Ana Lucía Olmos Álvarez, María Cecilia Johnson & Victoria Sotelo |
The Catholic Church is a global actor that still matters when sexuality and reproduction are at stake, and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) are not an exception.
Religious communities can make the difference in winning the fight against climate change
Date: | 13 December 2021 |
Author: | Tobias Müller & Esra Özyürek |
The threat of climate change signals a “code red for humanity”, and we are running out of time to transition away from carbon and prevent catastrophic planetary warming. Our best chance is to convince existing organisations with financial, political and...
Spiegeltje, spiegeltje aan de wand, wie is het rijk aan zin in ’t land?
Date: | 29 November 2021 |
Onlangs was ik te gast bij zorgboerderij Refaja in Drenthe. Aanleiding was de 70 ste verjaardag van Harm, een van de medewerkers. Als cadeau krijgt hij van zorgboer Freek een podcast met verhalen over zijn leven en werk. Werk en zingeving is daarbij een...
Reproductive Rights and Religion in the Netherlands
Date: | 24 November 2021 |
Author: | Jelle Wiering |
For me, a cultural anthropologist working on the entanglements of religion, secularity and sexuality, the term ‘reproductive rights’ evokes associations with internationally-operating NGOs. The people working for NGOs that I met in my fieldwork drew on a...
The Religion Factor has changed!
Date: | 22 November 2021 |
De kracht van verbinding
Date: | 01 November 2021 |
Antwoorden op die vraag worden vaak verpakt in verhalen. Voor Dirk de Wachter is verbinding een kernthema.
Values in Landscape Transition
Date: | 30 September 2021 |
Author: | Bertien Martens |