Public health in a post-Covid(?) world: the Dutch edition
Date: | 04 October 2022 |
Pepijn Tukker & Dominique Mollet - For the past two years, there has been increased attention for (public) health-related topics among policy makers. However, due to new global crises, such as the war in Ukraine, Covid-19 is no longer the headliner of daily news and newspapers, and policymakers’ focus is shifting away: public health appears to lose its momentum as a topic for discussion.
De multidisciplinaire aanpak van zoönosen
Date: | 15 July 2022 |
Thom Geertsema - Het onlangs gepresenteerde ‘Nationaal actieplan versterken zoönosenbeleid’ van de Ministeries van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS) en Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV) is een goede stap om het gevaar en de risico’s van zoönosen onder de aandacht te brengen. Het nationaal actieplan zoals dat er nu ligt is ambitieus. Dit komt mede vanwege de diverse partijen met elk hun eigen rol in de aanpak van zoönosen. Het is daarom zeker een stap vooruit om deze kwestie vanuit een One Health benadering aan te pakken.
Tobacco, law and human rights: taking stock
Date: | 30 May 2022 |
Brigit Toebes - On 12-13 May, the Groningen Centre for Health Law and the European Scientific Network on Law and Tobacco organized a conference entitled ‘Tobacco, Law and Human Rights’. The event marked the finalization of our project funded by the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) entitled ‘the rights of children to a tobacco-free environment’, which started in 2016.
Right to a Healthy and Peaceful Life: An Attempt of Japanese Citizens to Stop the Construction and Operation of Coal-Fired Power Plants
Date: | 02 May 2022 |
Yumeno Grace Nishikawa - This blog post aims to demonstrate how Japanese citizens try to protect their health from harmful emissions by claiming the right to a healthy and peaceful life by discussing the arguments made in Citizens’ Committee on the Kobe Coal-Fired Power Plant v. Kobe Steel Ltd., et al., which is currently pending before the Kobe District Court.
Attacks on healthcare facilities in Ukraine constitute violations of international law – they must stop
Date: | 10 March 2022 |
Brigit Toebes - Several sources have reported attacks on healthcare facilities in Ukraine, including a children’s hospital, causing numerous deaths and injuries. [...] In this post I argue that such attacks constitute violations of human rights, international humanitarian law, and medical ethical standards.
Blog coalitieakkoord #2: De schrijnende afwezigheid van een integrale volksgezondheidsbenadering
Date: | 18 January 2022 |
Brigit Toebes - Het is daarom des te verwonderlijker dat het coalitieakkoord het voeren van een integraal volksgezondheidsbeleid niet tot haar absolute prioriteit heeft gemaakt.
Road traffic accidents in Africa, corruption, and the right to health
Date: | 10 January 2022 |
Michael Woldeyes - As most African countries are State Parties to the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (hereafter ICESCR) and other human rights treaties, they are obliged under the right to health to step up efforts towards reducing RTAs by acting against corruption. This blogpost discusses how RTAs and corruption are issues of health law and what African countries are required to do to curb the problem.
Public Health, Climate Change and Strategic Litigation
Date: | 03 December 2021 |
David Patterson - Mosquitoes winging their way north across Europe bringing dengue. Floods and drownings. Heat stress. Despair. We are all aware of the health impacts of climate change. But how do we get governments to act?
Khat under international scrutiny: Is there a need for the WHO to reopen discussions on khat?
Date: | 23 November 2021 |
Michael Woldeyes - It has been 15 years since the WHO researched khat and decided not to subject it for a treaty-based prohibition. However, several research on the mental and physical health effects of khat have been published within these fifteen years and as shown above, many countries have moved to ban the drug. So, is there a need for the WHO to reopen discussions on khat?
The Link between Technological Advancement in the Energy Sector and Sustainable Development Goal Number Three and Seven
Date: | 27 October 2021 |
Jamie Behrendt - The third and the seventh United Nations Sustainable Development Goal aim to ensure good health as well as affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy by 2030. This will be challenging, as a large part of the population does not have access to energy, or only limited access based on dirty fuels. For instance, the World Bank estimates that globally, 2.3 billion people do not have access to clean cooking fuels.