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A Public Health Official in the U.S. State of Florida has called for a stop in the use of MRNA vaccines for Covid-19

Date:22 January 2024
In the US, many public health functions are decentralized to the governments of the 50 states, and the authority (or “competence”) of the federal government is limited by the US Constitution. The interaction between the US federal and state governments is an ever-present source of political and legal conflict, especially on issues such as reproductive health, immigration, the environment, and government regulation.

From advocacy to action: climate change litigation. A guide for public health professionals

Date:29 November 2023
The public health professional mandate requires not only the development of robust science and evidence, but also robust meaningful action. The Guide makes a timely and important contribution to building the competence and capacity of public health professionals around climate change litigation, supporting strategic partnerships, and encouraging leadership to protect and promote the health of people and planet.

WHO, the right to health and the climate crisis – what advice for the ICJ?

Date:23 November 2023
The deadline for ICJ submissions is 22 January 2024. States and organizations which have made submissions may then make written comments on other statements submitted to the ICJ.

The climate crisis: Future-proofing human rights research, teaching and practice Proposal for a working group on climate change and human rights for the Netherlands Network for Human Rights Research (NNHRR)

Date:23 November 2023
A key recommendation from the workshop was the proposal for a NNHRR working group on climate change and human rights. The proposed working group will bring together academics studying the multifaceted ways in which climate change affects human rights. This includes collaboration with the existing NNHRR working groups on human rights in the digital age (emphasising the importance of civil and political rights in the digital space), migration, and business.

European Commission’s Mental Health Communication Part II: The right to mental health

Date:10 October 2023
This is part II of a series of blog posts on the European Commission's Communication on a Comprehensive Approach to Mental Health. Part I [NA1] discusses the content of the Communication and where mental health fits within EU law. Part II reflects on the Communication from a right to mental health-perspective. The series is published in light of World Mental Health Day, 10 October 2023.

European Commission’s Mental Health Communication Part I: Mental health under EU law

Date:10 October 2023
This is part I of a series of blog posts on the European Commission's Communication on a Comprehensive Approach to Mental Health. Part I discusses the content of the Communication and where mental health fits within EU law. Part II [NA1] reflects on the Communication from a right to mental health-perspective. The series is published in light of World Mental Health Day, 10 October 2023.

ChatGPT and health information: A warning for lawmakers?  

Date:18 June 2023
Michael Woldeyes - What happens when individuals use applications such as ChatGPT to self-diagnose? Should lawmakers regulate the use of AI programs to make sure that the “right” health information is delivered to individuals? This article tries to answer the last question by examining the shortcomings of ChatGPT.

Conceptualising Corruption as a Violation of Human Rights in Indonesia: An Introduction

Date:15 June 2023
Ratna Juwita - GCHL-member Ratna Juwita was recently interviewed by the Illicit Trade Research Group (ITG) concerning her involvement with ITG. ITG is one of the University of Groningen’s research groups under the theme of Development, Security, and Justice, which is one of the research themes of the Rudolf Agricola School of Sustainable Development.

Disparities in the health care system in the post-pandemic era

Date:25 May 2023
Roxani Fragkou - GCHL-member Roxani Fragkou recently had the privilege of addressing a keynote speech at the Seminar on Current Challenges in Medical Law, whichtook place on 3-4 May in Göttingen (Germany) and was co-organised by Medical Law Göttingen in cooperation with the European Association of Health Law.


Date:19 May 2023
Dean M. Harris - Anti-abortion groups and politicians in the US have been using misleading information about abortion laws in other countries. Their goals include convincing the US Congress to enact a federal law that would generally prohibit abortion in all US states after 15 weeks of pregnancy.
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