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Results for tag: conference

Contributions to the EAHL conference

Date:06 October 2017
Author:GHLG Blog
On the 28 – 29 of September 2017, Prof. Brigit Toebes, Dr. Marie Elske Gispen and Yi Zhang participated in the 6th annual conference of the European Association of Health Law (‘EAHL’). The conference was organized by the Faculty of Law, University of Bergen, Norway in cooperation with the EAHL. The theme of the conference was health rights regulations and the distribution of healthcare in Europe.

Guilin, 2017: China Hosts Country’s First International Symposium on Global Health Law

Date:08 August 2017
Author:GHLG Blog
In order to further promote the level of global health governance and encourage research in global health law, the 2017 International Symposium on Global Health Law was held in Guilin city, China from July 2nd to July 3rd, 2017. The organizer of the symposium was Central South University, China. The symposium was hosted jointly by the Institute of Medical and Health Law of Central South University, the O’Neill Institute for National & Global Health Law of Georgetown University, and the Global Health Law Research Centre of the University of Groningen (GHLG).

‘Equitable access to controlled medicine: between drug control and human rights in post-market access in low- and middle income countries’ – Conference report

Date:03 December 2015
Author:GHLG Blog
On 8 and 9 October 2015 several GHLG members participated in a symposium on ‘Equitable access to controlled medicine: between drug control and human rights in post-market access in low- and middle income countries’ (co-organized by Marie Elske Gispen, Utrecht University).

U4 SSEL Conference – “Governance of a Contemporary Multilateral Institutional Architecture”

Date:03 November 2015
Author:GHLG Blog
This year’s U4 network cluster conference is organized from 4 till 6 November 2015 in congress center Het Kasteel  in Groningen, the Netherlands.

Groningen–Osaka biannual conference 2015 – global health humanitarianism

Date:24 August 2015
Author:GHLG Blog
In the context of celebrating 10 years of the Osaka university office in Groningen Osaka and Groningen propose to discuss the issue of global health in humanitarianism (an issue in both Universities’ field of interest) in an interdisciplinary setting during a one-day seminar, bringing together experts from a variety of fields engaged in research and policy on global health in contemporary humanitarianism.

Call for Abstracts – Beneficial coercion in medicine? Foundations, areas of conflict, prevention

Date:17 July 2015
Author:GHLG Blog
The Institute for Medical Ethics and History of Medicine (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany) will host an international conference for young scholars from Germany and The Netherlands on the topic “Beneficial coercion in medicine? Foundations, areas of conflict, prevention” (15-19 February 2016 in Bochum, Germany) which is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Call for papers for the U4 Conference Cluster Social Sciences, Economics and Law

Date:16 July 2015
Author:GHLG Blog
Please find the link at the bottom for the 2nd Call for papers for the U4 Conference Cluster Social Sciences, Economics and Law for 4- 6 November 2015, coordinated by Globalisation Studies Groningen (GSG) and Sustainable Society with the theme “Governance of Contemporary Multilateral Institutional Architecture”.
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