Teacher Talks
Recent videos

Ronald Ohlsen - Online assignments with Google Classroom
Dutch Language teacher Ronald Ohlsen demonstrates how he uses Google Classroom for his classes at the Language Center.

Rik Peters - Why I have my lectures recorded .
Rik Peters explains why he has his lectures recorded on video.
Birgit Lijmbach - The advantages of a digital whiteboard
Birgit Lijmbach demonstrates how she uses a digital whiteboard during her lectures Dutch as a Second Language.
Teacher Talks 2017
Teacher Talks was the title of a meeting in January 2017 in which five lecturers of the Faculty of Arts and the Language Center demonstrated how they specific software program helped them to improve their lessons. Via the links below you can watch a short (max. 2 minutes) summary of their presentation and read more about the tool they used.

Ronit Nikolsky - Digital testing for non-digital thinking: how to get students to think like they do in the humanities by using a computer
Constructing reading assignments in Nestor to develop academic thinking, and other skills typical and necessary for the humanities.

Quirijn van den Hoogen - Reaching students everywhere: Collaborate as lecturing tool
Online communication with students via Blackboard Collaborate, to reach out to students who are doing a minor abroad.
Antonio Toral - Increasing student-lecturer interaction using Nestor
Experimenting with using forums in Nestor to increase the student-lecturer level of interaction, especially in courses with many students.
Geramé Wouters - Creating videos with Screencast-o-matic
How to avoid having to explain a grammatical concept over and over again? Screencast-o-matic helps in creating short video clips.
Vaneide da Silva Santos - Designing SMARTboard lessons
Using SMART Notebook software to create fun and engaging lessons to enhance language learning and promote classroom interaction.Last modified: | 23 September 2024 1.33 p.m. |