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Faculty of Arts Impact Awards

What do the Faculty of Arts Impact Awards entail?

Arts research helps identify societal issues and contributes to their solution. But real change and impact often require collaboration with partners outside the university. Many of our researchers and students put this approach into practice. Have you worked with a societal partner on impactful research? Then apply for the Impact Awards and present your research to a jury and the audience during the Arts Festival on 21 September.

Who can participate?

The Impact Awards are presented in two categories: students and researchers. Supervisors can formally nominate candidates for the Awards. They are:

  • Students who were registered in one of the study programmes of the Faculty of Arts in the Academic year 2023-2024. Individual and team efforts can be nominated, providing that it's a small team that worked on the same project together.
  • Researchers who were employed by the Faculty of Arts in the Academic year 2023-2024. Nominating a small team is also possible in this category. The project should have had an impact recently (in the Academic year mentioned above).

What does the winner receive?

An expert jury with members from both science and society will judge the entries on impact, collaboration with a non-university partner and scientific quality. In November, the nominees in each category (students/employees) will get the chance to pitch their research and the faculty winners will be announced. A great opportunity to raise awareness of the project! The faculty winners will earn 500 euros (per project) and a nomination for the university's Ben Feringa Impact Awards.

How can you participate?

Taking part is very simple. An application should consist of two short forms and a few attachments:

  • A filled out nomination form; for staff or for students;
  • A recommendation form to be filled in by the non-university partner(s) in Dutch of English to demonstrate the achieved impact;
  • A short curriculum vitae (max. 1 A4) for every candidate (max. 4);
  • A research publication (article, thesis, report) that formed the basis of the created impact;
  • If appropriate an attachment that illustrates the impact created, for example a product/service, a report of an activity, a non-scientific article.

Please send the dossier with all the above components to

When should you apply?

You can apply until September 1, 2024.

More information needed?

Please consult the rules and regulations for more information or e-mail to

Last modified:11 July 2024 12.50 p.m.
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