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About us Faculty of Arts Arts Festival Talkshows

The power of imagination

Joost de Vries (photo Nienke Laan)
Joost de Vries (photo Nienke Laan)

In this talk show, Roos Custers explores how art, imagination and the essay influence each other and shape our view of the world. She does this with two guests: Thijs Lijster, lecturer in philosophy of art and culture at the Faculty of Arts, and writer and journalist Joost de Vries. Joost works for De Groene Amsterdammer and has written several novels and a collection of essays. In 2023, he won the Frans Kellendonk Prize for his entire oeuvre. He is one of the creators of the literature podcast Boeken FM.

Please note: this talk show will be held in Dutch.

Guests: Joost de Vries and dr Thijs Lijster
Host: Roos Custers

15:00-15:45 in Marie Lokezaal

Last modified:06 September 2024 11.02 a.m.
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