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Talk show: Burdened heritage

What is cultural heritage, and who or what defines it? During this talk show Joost Keizer will try to answer these questions with the help of his guests. Shanade Barnabas, Manuela Ritondale and Mayada Madbouly will tell us how people have defined cultural heritage in their “Museum of the Future”, which has been set up for the occasion of the Arts Festival. What objects did people select to put on display in that museum? And how did they deal with objects that are nowadays considered ‘problematic’?

Karen Hollewand and Nicolette Bartelink will explain how they treat ‘problematic’ cultural heritage in an actual museum setting. Hollewand is preparing an exhibition on Petrus Camper for the University Museum, which will include items from anatomical collections. Nicolette Bartelink (director Museum aan de A) works on permanent and temporary exhibitions for the Museum, in which darker aspects of the history of Groningen and its surroundings will feature as well.

Come and join the talk show and ask the experts your burning questions.

Guests: dr Shanade Barnabas, dr Manuela Ritondale, dr Mayada Madbouly, Nicolette Bartelink (director Museum aan de A) and dr Karen Hollewand
Host: dr Joost Keizer

Please note: The festival programme, including the exact starting time of all events and activities, will be online at the beginning of September.

Last modified:19 July 2024 2.17 p.m.
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