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About us Faculty of Arts Job Festival Step 1: Preparation

Step 1: Preparation

Welcome to the Preparation step! Here you will find the information you need to prepare yourself for your placement (internship) or job. Deciding on a first step in your career is a developmental process, marked by important events and experiences. An impressive job application does not start with the first words you type into an online application form. It starts with preparation and preparation starts with you! Do you know what you want out of your job and what you have to offer? Have you thoroughly researched the company or organisation you are contacting? Do you know how to build a network that will benefit you in and after your studies?

During the Job Festival, you will have the chance to find the answers to these questions so that you can engage in conversation with employers and network with people in the field. In a preparatory workshop, you will learn how to start an interview. You will also have the opportunity to have your CV or LinkedIn page checked and have professional photos taken, so that you can be fully prepared to get in touch with your potential placement (internship) host or employer.

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