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News of the Faculty of Economics and Business in 2023.

TitlePosted on
Abe de Jong and Herman de Jong receive grant for ICT Innovation Project21 December 2023
The Faculty of Economics and Business and Oranjewoud Export Academy solidify partnership15 December 2023
Jasper Veldman appointed as Professor of Technology and Operations Management14 December 2023
Bachelor Econometrics and Operational Research experiments with gaming to teach students to solve complex, societally relevant, problems12 December 2023
Kim Poldner appointed to special chair Regional and Circular Economic Development05 December 2023
Inaugural lecture Viola Angelini: Growing older in good wealth and health01 December 2023
Christos Emmanouilidis receives grant for large-scale EU project on human-centric Digital Twin approaches for work environments29 November 2023
Manuela Fritz wins the Bavarian Culture Prize22 November 2023
Erik Dietzenbacher awarded with Ricardo Torres Gaitán Chair16 November 2023
Claudio Annibali wins Riccardo Faini Award 202315 November 2023
The Faculty of Economics and Business in global top for Business Administration14 November 2023
Jutta Bolt receives new grant from the Swedish Research Council 14 November 2023
4th issue of the FEB Research Newsletter07 November 2023
Peter Verhoef, Lisan Lesscher and Lara Lobschat win the 2022 Marketing Science Institute Best Paper Award25 October 2023
Aukje Nieuwenhuis wins Avril McDonald Award 202325 October 2023
Dirk Pieter van Donk and Stefan Pichler appointed as Associate Editors of journals19 October 2023
Breaking Barriers and Bridging Gaps: Claudia Goldin’s Nobel Prize in Economics17 October 2023
Informing donors about the use of their previous donations improves donor retention and blood supply13 October 2023
Gerard van den Berg appointed to Board of Governors Tilburg University13 October 2023
The Council of Deans in Economics & Business presents Impact Agenda12 October 2023
Paper by Christiaan van der Kwaak published in The Economic Journal04 October 2023
Noémi Péter appointed as Associate Editor of the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization03 October 2023
Weining Wang appointed as Professor of Econometrics28 September 2023
Dirk Pieter van Donk and Kirstin Scholten receive grant for a project on Supply Chain Resilience27 September 2023
Michael Wyrwich receives German grant for a project on innovation structures in East Germany and Central Eastern European countries20 September 2023
Universal basic income proves to be an effective method of development aid18 September 2023
NVAO re-accreditation for twenty FEB degree programmes13 September 2023
Christos Emmanouilidis receives grant for major new EU project on human-centric AI08 September 2023
Jan Riezebos appointed as member of Program Committee Higher Education07 September 2023
Appointments of and awards for FEB researchers06 September 2023
Veni grant for Stefan Berger03 August 2023
Tobias Grohmann wins Hans Raupach Best Paper Award 202327 July 2023
Nazim Hussain and Monika Wieczorek-Kosmala win IRMBAM Best Paper Award26 July 2023
LUMC, FEB and UMCG researchers receive a NWO grant of 4 million for a joint project24 July 2023
Robert Lensink co-head of new Africa-Europe research cluster that addresses inequality, poverty and deprivation21 July 2023
EurOMA Early Career Researcher Networking Grant for Aline Seepma and colleagues19 July 2023
Paul Elhorst wins the Jean Paelinck RSAI Award 202311 July 2023
Iris Vis appointed as Captain of Science of the Top Sector Logistics10 July 2023
Agnieszka Postepska receives NWO grant for project on hybrid work and the gender gap in the labor market06 July 2023
Jenny van Doorn wins D&IN Insight Scientist 2023 Award03 July 2023
Jenny van Doorn among the top European scientists that advised the EU Commission on the transition to healthier & more sustainable food consumption28 June 2023
Project Linking Hydrogen Power Potentials in the North Sea Region kicks off27 June 2023
Erik Dietzenbacher appointed as Fellow of the Regional Science Association International26 June 2023
Niels van der Laan and Aukje Nieuwenhuis win FEB Research Awards 202222 June 2023
Evelien Croonen and co-authors win ISOF Best Paper Award20 June 2023
Inaugural lecture Huib Cense07 June 2023
Inaugural lecture Maarten Gijsenberg25 May 2023
Gerard van den Berg appointed as member of the Social Sciences Council of the KNAW24 May 2023
Tristan Kohl receives NWO grant for project on how lobbying determines the rules on international trade18 May 2023
Jenny van Doorn receives NWO grant for project on public service by teams of robots and humans17 May 2023
The Faculty of Economics and Business and Royal Avebe solidify partnership15 May 2023
Inaugural lecture Roland Mees: Understanding ourselves in times of climate change03 May 2023
Bianca Harms, Janny Hoekstra and Tammo Bijmolt win Journal of Interactive Marketing Best Paper Award02 May 2023
21 april: Kennisevent UGBS: Blijft de zorg toegankelijk en betaalbaar?06 April 2023
Machiel Mulder appointed as member of Scientific Climate Council27 March 2023
Jessica de Bloom appointed as Aletta Jacobs Professor in Human Resource Management, Occupational Health and Wellbeing21 March 2023
Milena Nikolova appointed as Aletta Jacobs Professor in the Economics of Well-being17 March 2023
Inaugural lecture Ulrike Schultze: Social media and solidarity; the good, the bad and the ugly07 March 2023
Evrim Ursavas appointed as Professor of Energy Logistics01 March 2023
Inaugural lecture Florian Noseleit: From disruption to impact. Why tomorrow’s entrepreneurs are different17 February 2023
Sjoerd Beugelsdijk appointed at the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities17 February 2023
Accountancy students FEB win NBA Impact Challenge15 February 2023
Dean Peter Verhoef and vice-dean Manda Broekhuis reappointed14 February 2023
Aukje Nieuwenhuis wins Jan Brouwer Thesis Award10 February 2023
Milena Nikolova receives NWO grant for project on work motivation and job quitting08 February 2023
Evrim Ursavas receives large EU grant07 February 2023
Evelien Croonen and Gert-Jan Romensen winners of Best Practice in Teaching and Learning Awards07 February 2023
Sebastian Firk and co-authors win two awards for their paper on digital innovation and firm performance03 February 2023
Edlira Shehu appointed as Professor of Digital Marketing02 February 2023
Stijging woonlasten grote gemeenten: 6,0% voor woningeigenaren, 3,2 % voor huurders18 January 2023
Jutta Bolt receives grant from the Swedish Research Council16 January 2023
Eugenia Rosca and Cheng-Yong Xiao receive grant for the NWA route ‘towards resilient societies’11 January 2023
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