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Sunset pollution

How to recover from a scandal

Datum:02 februari 2022

When a firm is publicly accused of illegal or unethical behavior, it threatens the firm’s reputation. Loss of reputation jeopardizes stakeholder support, impedes access to vital resources, and hurts stock prices. The stock of Volkswagen, for instance,...

Digital transformation

How to become digitally ready?

Datum:26 januari 2022

Digital transformation is ubiquitous and considered a strategic imperative for most firms. However, as One of the most pervasive organizational changes, internalizing new technologies is a risky endeavor. High failure rates have been noted because most...

denk in scenario's

Wapen je tegen corona, denk in scenario's

Datum:20 januari 2022

Ondernemen in coronatijd vergt het uiterste van bedrijven. In het begin van de pandemie was overleven het parool. Nu is het beeld gekanteld. En moeten we leven met corona en met nieuwe verrassingen. Hoe ga je daar als ondernemer mee om?

An typical example of small-scale entrepreneurship

Towards effective support for small businesses in developing countries

Datum:13 januari 2022

Small-scale entrepreneurship in developing countries is viewed as one of the most prominent solutions to alleviate poverty and reduce unemployment among young people and women. To promote small-scale entrepreneurship, governments, microfinance...

Are we in a social media crisis?

Are we in a social media crisis?

Datum:23 december 2021

Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, with more than 2 billion users. People use social media to connect with their friends and family, read reviews about their favourite shops. It has especially been beneficial during the COVID-19...

Blockchains have many different applications.

What are enterprise blockchains and why should we care?

Datum:17 december 2021

Recently, blockchains have received significant media attention due to the rise in cryptocurrency prices. Digital money such as Bitcoin and Ethereum is perhaps the best-known application of blockchains. However, an even stronger promise lies in enterprise...

Green energy

Which Energy Projects Get Financed and Why?

Datum:10 december 2021

‘ Sustainable’ entrepreneurial firms – that is, entrepreneurial firms focused on ‘green energy’ and ‘clean technology’ – are driving the energy transition. And access to capital is the biggest challenges that they face. About 70% of their funding comes...

Islands of interdependence separated by a sea of indifference.

Rivalry is dynamic, but patterns of rivalry can be quite stable

Datum:03 december 2021

You probably have a good idea about which firms are the direct rivals for your own firm. Their strategic actions could have a noticeable impact on your firm’s performance. Consequently, you probably keep a close eye on those firms and consider ways to...

Samenwerking van talentvolle werknemers

Leidt meer talent tot meer succes?

Datum:25 november 2021

Talentvolle werknemers zijn van onschatbare waarde voor innovatieve organisaties. Deze werknemers ronden relatief veel werk in weinig tijd af. Onderzoek laat zien dat de top-vijf procent beste werknemers tien tot achttien (!) keer productiever is dan...

Weet wat je meet

Sturen op cijfers? Weet wat je meet

Datum:16 november 2021

Harde cijfers vertellen de waarheid. Want meten is weten. Toch? Getallen worden gezien als ‘harde cijfers’, objectieve metingen van hoe de vlag erbij hangt. Maar is alles wel in cijfers te vatten? En zijn die cijfers wel zo objectief en hard?