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Centre for Energy Business and Economics Research
Faculty of Economics and Business
Centre for Energy Business and Economics Research
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Staff news: Xinyu Li, Sina Ghaemi and Peter Perey will start new jobs

Datum:20 juli 2022
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Postdoc researchers Xinyu Li and Sina Ghaemi, as well as researcher Peter Perey, have all completed their assignments at the Centre for Energy Economics Research (CEER) this Summer. Thus, all three researchers will now take new steps in their career.

Xinyu will start a new job as researcher with a specific focus on energy system and market modelling at PBL Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency). Sina will start a new postdoc on energy market flexibility at Aalborg University in Denmark. Peter Perey will start a new job as economic consultant with a focus on the energy transition at E&E advies.

Sina, Xinyu and Peter, thank you for the fruitful time at CEER and we wish you the best of luck in your next chapters!

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