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Centre for Energy Business and Economics Research
Faculty of Economics and Business
Centre for Energy Business and Economics Research
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Energy Post Panel Discussion on cross-border capacity

Datum:22 april 2020

More wind and solar makes the supply of electricity much more dependent on the weather. Nobody wants to build capacity only to switch it off when there’s too much heading onto the local grid. This could put an extra strain on delivering the Green Deal. One solution is to increase cross-border trade of spare capacity. Without this, will we achieve a net-zero economy by 2050? That is the subject up for discussion on May 19, 2020 at Energy Post’s online event.

In advance of this debate, our director, Prof. Machiel Mulder, wrote an article on the three main benefits of increasing cross-border trade of spare capacity. The article reflects on the  effect of more cross-borde trade on the reach of competitive prices improving efficiency, increased flexibility and lower costs for consumers. In the panel discussion on May 19, which you are invited to join, Prof. Mulder will be one of the panelists discussing this and other issues regarding cross-border capacity.


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