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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
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Aletta in 2019

Datum:29 januari 2019
Aletta in 2019
Aletta in 2019

At the end of 2018, Aletta got great feedback from the Deans of the University of Groningen. They were positively impressed by our progress so far and mentioned that Aletta should serve as an example for the organisation of other societal themes within the University. With that in mind we are ready for the new year. Below you can read a few of our goals for 2019, a year in which we will, together with our partners, further shape our future and continue to follow our dream… Thought for action. Together for more healthy years.  

Aletta connects. We ensure that different specialisms are linked together, that knowledge is being shared and that everyone who is interested in healthy ageing is able to find the right way in the forest of knowledge and expertise. In order to make the connection between researchers and professionals in Public Health we will continue to organise Aletta Research Meet-ups. Our first Meet-up this year will be held on 5 April and the second on 5 November 2019. Besides our regular Research Meet-ups, the Aletta Talent Network will host their first Junior Research Meet-up on 27 February.

In 2019, Aletta will also continue to work on interfaculty, multidisciplinary research proposals within our themes and methods. In order to achieve this, additional multidisciplinary researchers will be attracted in the form of Aletta fellows, to set up joint ventures. In autumn our scientific council will meet for the first time. The Scientific council will monitor the current direction of the research within Aletta and will give advice on new directions in the public health field.

Our educational ambition is training the Public Health professional of the future. Together with academic and societal partners, Aletta establishes various educational programmes, both academic and for social partners (lifelong learning for Public Health professionals). In September, our Public Health Minor and Research Master track start. Over summer, we host two summer schools. Together with Healthwise and UGBS, Aletta will also organise the executive programme ‘Management & Economics in Health’. 

At Aletta, we aim to set up a multi-year research programme with each societal partner. The aim of the programmes is to provide a multidisciplinary scientific basis for the development of policy, and to monitor and evaluate implemented policy. This should lead to evidence-based interventions and methods in the area of Public Health. In 2019 Aletta will start a partner programme with the Gemeente Groningen, launch the Prevention Portal together with the UMCG and Menzis, realise the first phase of the Aletta Atlas in co-creation with partners and the Geodienst, and start Aletta Fryslân with our partners de Friesland Zorgverzekeraar, GGD Fryslân and Campus Fryslân. 

Collaboration with international partners can positively contribute to achieving more healthy years. At the moment, Aletta strives for a phased internationalisation policy, with a focus on Public Health cooperation with existing partners. Together with the University of Oldenburg and other partners in the Ems-Dollard Region (EDR), Aletta is currently exploring further cooperation on cross-border healthcare and prevention. The first plans for the Cross-Border Institute for Healthcare & Prevention have been drawn up and are being worked out in more detail. In the context of the U4 (Groningen, Göttingen, Uppsala and Ghent), a we are developing a Public Health cluster. In addition to these two activities, we are making an inventory of preferred partners from the existing network of cooperative partners - the so-called Public Health Alliance. 

We are looking forward to all the great things that we will achieve together with our researchers and partners. In our journey to more healthy years, there is no fixed route from here to there. Like curious explorers, we convince ourselves and others during the process. Through trial and error – and with attention for each other – we are making the journey to that higher goal in which we all recognise ourselves.