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Regulations & Application forms

Regulations that apply to the Central Executive Board for Student Organizations

Other regulations

Regulations Board Grant (Graduation Fund)

The most recent version of the Graduation Fund Regulations can be found below. The University of Groningen Graduation Fund Regulations are divided into six sections. This means that you only need to read the section that applies to you. The tasks of CUOS cover most of part B of the regulation. For questions concerning the payment of committee grants, you can email the University Funds Committee through ufc

Deel B: Regeling Financiële ondersteuning voor studentleden van medezeggenschaps/bestuursorganen, bestuurders van studentenorganisaties en topsporters (Dutch)

Part B: Financial support for student members of consultative/administrative bodies, committee members of student organizations and top level athletes (English)

Application forms - Graduation fund

Application forms - Activities susbidy and Housing

Application form - Campaign subsidy

Application form - Internationalization and Inclusion subsidy (IIS)

Application form - Formation Grant Internationalorgansations (OIS)

Application form - WBTR-subsidy

Last modified:18 September 2023 4.45 p.m.
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