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Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate
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Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate News

NWO calls open : CETPartnership 2023 & Market regulation of the energy system in 2050

10 October 2023

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) is launching two calls for making the Dutch energy system more sustainable. They are calls titled 'CETPartnership 2023' and 'Market regulation of the energy system in 2050'.

The Netherlands is at the heart of pioneering transitions, of which the energy transition is one of the largest. In line with the Dutch government's Climate Agreement, whose main objective is to steadily reduce CO2 emissions and achieve a CO2-neutral energy system by 2050, significant changes are needed in the Dutch energy system. Therefore, two calls have been launched by the NWO.

Call for Market regulation and the energy system in 2050

The first call is part of the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA). The NWO has opened a call for research projects in the theme called 'Market regulation and the energy system in 2050'. Research in this programme should provide insights on the possible future market regulation and associated conditions that may play a role in the design of the energy market for a CO2-neutral energy system in 2050. The deadline for submitting an initiative is 7 November 2023, before 14:00 CET.

Call for CETPartnership 2023

The second call is the 'CETPartnership Joint Call 2023' for experienced, doctoral researchers. They can apply for funding to conduct research on improved capture, utilisation and storage of carbon dioxide technologies or improvement of energy system integration at local, regional and/or industrial level. The deadline for submitting pre-proposals (mandatory) is 22 November 2023, at 14:00 CET.

Last modified:17 December 2024 2.31 p.m.
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