Y.O. (Yuliya) Hilevych, PhD
Universitair Docent

y.o.hilevych rug.nl
Book projects
"Low fertilty in the past and present: comparative studies in compositional demography", together with Dr Philip Kreager (under contract with Oxford University Press)
"Hope for the childless: advice and activism on infertilty in Britain" (in preparation)
ERC-project "Coping with decline: a socio-historical analysis of population decline and community welfare in Europe, 1950-2022" (DEPOP), 2024-2028, PI
COST action "National, International and Transnational Histories of Healthcare, 1850-2000" (EuroHealthHist), 2023-2026, co-PI
RUG Insetive Fund project "Challenging Russian imperialism: decolonising post-Soviet past and present", 2023-2024, co-PI
Laatst gewijzigd: | 10 november 2023 11:32 |