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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. W.A. (Wim) Veling
University Medical Center Groningen

prof. dr. W.A. (Wim) Veling

Psychiater, Hoogleraar Psychiatrie
Profielfoto van prof. dr. W.A. (Wim) Veling
050 361 2132 (Universitair Centrum Psychiatrie)


Dutch Validation of the Self-Evaluation of Negative Symptoms Scale (SNS)

Exploring the role of clinical and demographic characteristics on the effects of virtual reality cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis: A moderator analysis

Long-term Changes in Personal Recovery and Quality of Life Among Patients With Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Different Durations of Illness: A Meta-analysis

The Effectiveness of Immersive Virtual Reality-Based Treatment for Mental Disorders: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis

Afbouwen van psychofarmaca: een kritisch overzicht van de wetenschappelijke evidentie

Antipsychotic dopamine D2 affinity and negative symptoms in remitted first episode psychosis patients

A single-session VR intervention addressing self-compassion and self-criticism with and without perspective change: Results of a randomized controlled experiment

Daily-life stress reactivity and recovery following virtual-reality-based cognitive behavioral therapy in patients with a psychotic disorder

Discontinuation of psychotropic medication: a synthesis of evidence across medication classes

Evaluating changes in functioning and psychological distress in visitors of the @ease youth mental health walk-in centres


UMCG onderzoekt inzet adviserende en troostende virtuele psychiater

In de virtuele wereld kunnen tbs’ers zich vast voorbereiden op hun verlof

UMCG-teams gaan in de regio mensen met eerste psychose behandelen

Funding to Continue Psychosis Research in Global South

The VR app helping patients escape anxiety and stress


Complotdenkers zijn niet psychotisch, maar er zijn wél overeenkomsten

Complotdenkers zijn niet psychotisch

Waarin complotdenken en wanen op elkaar lijken – en ook heel verschillend zijn