prof. dr. W.A. (Wim) Veling

Virtual Reality studies - www.vrmentalhealth.nl
VRelax - Virtual Reality relaxation for self-management of stress - projects in patients with psychiatric disorders, patients in general hospitals, employees with burn-out problems. Postdoc: Catheleine van Driel. PhD students: Lisanne Robbemond, Mathijs Nijland. (Cost-)effectiveness studies, implementation.
Dynamic Interactive Social Cognition Virtual Reality Training for patients with psychosis or autism; in collaboration with GGZ Drenthe (Marieke Pijnenborg) and Erasmus MC (Kirstin Greaves-Lord). PhD student: Saskia Nijman.
Virtual Reality Aggression Prevention Training - VRAPT for reducing victimization in forensic clinics; collaboration Tilburg University (Stefan Bogaerts). Postdoc: Iulia Lefter (TU Delft), PhD student: Stéphanie Klein Tuente. VR emotion regulation treatment in prison; collaboration PI Vught (Erik Masthoff). Postdoc: Stéphanie Klein Tuente. PhD student: Kasja Woicik.
Virtual Reality cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis; VU University (Mark van der Gaag). RCT completed. PhD students: Roos Pot-Kolder, Chris Geraets. Ongoing RCT comparing VRcbt with regular cbt. Postdoc: Elise van der Stouwe. PhD student: Maureen Berkhof.
VR Social Activities and Participation (VR SOAP); VR treatment to improve social fuctioning of youngp people with psychosis; GGZ Drenthe (Marieke Pijnenborg). Postdoc: Elise van der Stouwe. PhD students: Dauw Muijsson, Ivo Meins.
Epidemiology & Early Intervention studies
Identification and treatment of early symptoms of psychiatric problems in youth; VUmc Amsterdam (Theo Doreleijers). Screening and intervention study completed. Phd student: Saliha el Bouhaddani.
Predictors of symptomatic and functional outcome after a first episode of psychosis (FEP) clinical staging, prognostic model, risk calculator; RUG (Stynke Castelein). PhD student: Vera Brink.
Cognitieve REmediatie en Werk (CREW), RCT cognitive remediation as addition to individual placement and support for patients with first episode psychosis; Tilburg University (Jaap van Weeghel, Hans Kroon). PhD student: Daniëlle van Duin.
Schizophrenia International Research Society Research Harmonisation Group; project establishing international databank for psychosis epidemiology cohort studies. Collaboration with >20 international researchers; KCL (Craig Morgan).
Global Mental Health
Psychotic disorders in an African setting: Incidence, early course, and treatment pathways, Columbia University New York, USA (Ezra Susser) / University of Kwazulu-Natal Durban, South Africa (Jonathan Burns). PI Wijbrand Hoek, Parnassia. PhD student: Martine van der Zeijst.
The Azeri Recent Onset Psychosis Survey: establishing a longitudinal recent onset psychosis cohort study in Iran; Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, RUG/UMCG (Richard Bruggeman, Behrooz Alizadeh). PhD student: Sarah Farhang.
Migrants Examined for Determinants of psychopathology through INternet Assessment (MEDINA) study: a cross-sectional study among visitors of an Internet community. RUG/UMCG (Robert Schoevers, Lian van der Krieke). PhD student: Madelien van de Beek.
Harm or healing in languages of socio-cultural identification in a forensic transcultural clinic. Mixed-methods study. Collaboration with CTP Veldzicht and UvA (Ria Reis). Postdoc: Hannah Jongsma. PhD student: Charlotte Clous.
Duration of untreated psychosis and pathways to care in Suriname: qualitative studies among patients, relatives, general practitioners and traditional health practitioners. Collaboration with Psychiatrisch Centrum Suriname (PCS; Randhir Nanda). Postdoc: Janine de Zeeuw.
Other projects
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 09:00 |