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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. V.N. (Vera) Veldhuizen


Reading the Fortune Seeker: (Dis)Empowerment in the Dutch Refugee Experience

The detecting child TKKG and adapting fair play for young audiences

The Curious Case of Children's Detective Fiction: Analysing the Adaptation of the Classic Detective Formula for a Child Audience

The Truth, the Partial Truth, and Anything but the Truth: Textual Constructions of Veracity in Siobhan Dowd's Bog Child

Classifying Monsters

Confusing Boundaries in The Lovebus: Constructing Consent in Dutch YA Fiction

Narrative Ethics in Robert Westall’s The Machine Gunners

Empathy, Ethics, and Justice in Children's War Literature

Hidden Adult, Literature

Empathy Across Time in Speculative Children’s Shoah Fiction


Opinie: Als oorlog moeilijk is om uit te leggen, geef kinderen dan een goed verhaal

Interview: The Impact of War on Children