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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. T. (Tialda) Haartsen


Closest family in the household or in the community? The role of family in residential satisfaction among intended stayers in Iceland

‘No way! I'll stay! Who will get me out of here?’ House attachment and staying intentions of homeowners with a damaged dwelling in a rural risk area

The role of non-resident family ties in rural staying

Aversion to loss of place: The endowment effect for local facilities

Beyond the (im)mobility and social-environmental dichotomy: Young adults' motives to reside in rural northwest Europe

Exploring Justice in the Process of Redesigning Local Development Strategies for LEADER: Representation, Distribution, and Recognition

Island Schools: Policy Briefings for Island Schools

Symbolic mobility capital to fight the social stigma of staying: how young adults re-imagine narratives of ‘leaving’ during higher education

The journey of staying: A transitional and mobility perspective on the staying rural preferences of rural young adults

‘To buy or not to buy a home in a rural risk area’ by mid-to-later life home purchasers

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Jongvolwassenen terug naar het platteland: RUG start onderzoek

Steeds meer afstand op platteland tot voorzieningen

'Kloof stad en platteland bestaat niet'

Verlangen naar de rurale idylle

Wie beheert straks nog het landschap?

‘Als de heilige Johan het zegt, dan…’

‘Hier moet ik uitleggen waarom bij mij geen omgekeerde vlag wappert’

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