prof. dr. T. (Tialda) Haartsen
Hoogleraar Plattelandsgeografie

Lopende PhD projecten
Franziska Lengerer, Retirement stage rural staying and participation, STAYin(g)Rural project, in collaboration with the Thünen Institute Braunschweigh, Germany (2019-2025)
Yueyue Gao, Living in Small County Cities: Motivations and Strategies of Rural (Return) Migrants in China (2020-2025)
Hieke van der Kloet, Smart Living voor senioren in rurale gebieden
Een onderzoek naar motieven en oplossingen voor senioren om in de (Oost-Groningse) regio prettig, gezond en slim te blijven wonen, in collaboration with Hanzehogeschool Groningen (2019-2025) -
Medina Savira, Rural Digitalisation in Indonesia, in collaboration with Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (2022-2026)
Carmen van Bruggen, Participatory art and the notion of mienskip in Friesland, in collaboration with Arcadia (2023-2028)
Chengxi Liu, Participation of Women in Rural Governance (2023-2027)
Thereza Langeler, Geographies of Discontent: Understanding Protest and Regional Resentment in the Northern Netherlands (2023-2027)
Tineke Reitsma, How to lure back young adult leavers to rural regions (2024-2028)
Kjelda Glimmerveen, “Telling our own stories from our own perspectives”: regional narratives in the Northern Dutch filmmaking industry (2024-2028)
Lieselot Vroom, Rural Communities at a Crossroads (2025-2029)
Guus van Tilborg, Homecoming to Heritage: The University of Groningen’s Heritage and its Role in Student Place
Attachment (2025-2029)
Afgeronde PhD projecten
Rixt Bijker, Migration to less popular rural areas. The characteristics, motivations and search process of migrants (2007-2012)
Akke Folmer, Wildlife: a hidden treasure of green places in urbanized societies (2009-2016)
Hans Elshof, On the self-reinforcing aspects of population decline on the local scale level in North-Netherlands (2011-2016)
Jelmer Jeuring, Perspectives on proximity tourism in Fryslân (2013-2017)
Joost Gieling, A place for life or a place to live. Rethinking village attachment, volunteering and liveability in Dutch rural areas, in collaboration with the Netherlands Institute of Social Research (SCP) - Den Haag (2014-2017)
Erzsi de Haan, Success and failure of citizen initiatives in depopulating rural areas, in collaboration with Hanzehogeschool Groningen and Siegen University Germany (2014-2018)
Hiska Ubels, Governance role shifts in the context of population decline (2014-2019)
Erik Meij, Exploring the social dimensions of spatial inequalities (2017-2021)
Eva Maersk, There and back Again: the intertwining of educationally related (im)mobility choices of young adults from peripheral regions with contemporary identity and place narratives, in collaboration with Danish Center for Rural Research, University of South Denmark (2017-2022)
Henk Hofstede, Young adult rural stayers, STAYin(g)Rural project (2019-2023)
Christina Rundel, Digital Inclusion in Rural Areas (2018-2023)
Suzan Christiaanse, Facilities and services in the context of population decline: regional level models versus everyday life realities in rural areas, in collaboration with social research institute Partoer and Campus Fryslân - Leeuwarden (2014-2024)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 28 februari 2025 13:18 |