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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons R. (Russell) Spears, Prof


Dilemmas of resistance: How concerns for cultural aspects of identity shape and constrain resistance among minority groups

Extending the scope for resistance to gender-based devaluation

Gender-based in-group social influence can lead women to view a hostile sexist attitude as less prejudiced and more true

Pandemic and prejudice: Revisiting Bogardus’s social distance concept in a time of COVID-19

A normative perspective of discrimination in the minimal group paradigm: Does it apply to both Ingroup love and outgroup hate?

A social identity model of system attitudes (SIMSA): Multiple explanations of system justification by the disadvantaged that do not depend on a separate system justification motive

Classified out of society? How educational classification induces political alienation through feelings of misrecognition

Cultural group norms for harmony explain the puzzling negative association between objective status and system justification in Asia

From Moderate Action to Radical Protest Intentions: Disentangling Social-Identity-Based Models Predicting Political Violence

Further evidence that system justification amongst the disadvantaged is positively related to superordinate group identification


The Political Failure of Bidenomics