R. (Russell) Spears, Prof

Name Russell Spears
Birthdate 20 April 1960
Place of Birth Birmingham, England
Nationality British
Office Address Prof. Russell Spears
University of Groningen
Dept of Social Psychology
Grote Kruisstraat 2/1
9712 TS Groningen
The Netherlands
Email: R.Spears rug.nl
Tel. (work): + 31 50 363 9355
1978-1981 Bsc (Hons) University of Bristol, Department of Psychology, Bristol, England, UK.
1981-1985 PhDUniversity of Exeter, Department of Psychology, Exeter, England, UK. Dissertation: "Attitudes to nuclear power: Structure and stereotyping processes". Supervisor/Adviser: Prof. J R Eiser.
2011 (August)-Professor, Endowed Chair, University of Groningen, NL
2009-2012 (2011)ESRC Professorial Research Fellow
2003 (September)-Professor, School of Psychology, University of Cardiff.
1995-2008 Hoogleraar in Experimentele Sociale Psychologie, inzonderheid sociale categorisatie en intergroepsprocessen
(Professor in Experimental Social Psychology), Department of Social Psychology, University of Amsterdam.
1992-1995 Universitair Hoofddocent (Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor), Department of Social Psychology, University of Amsterdam.
1989-1992 Universitair Docent (Lecturer/Assistant Professor), Department of Social Psychology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
1988 Principal Research Fellow, "Young People's AIDS relevant preventive cognitions in Dundee and Kirkcaldy" (ESRC funded), Department of Psychology, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK.
Directors: Dr D Abrams, Dr C Abraham.
1986-1987 Simon-Marks Research Fellow, Department of Psychology, University of Manchester.
1986 Research Fellow, Energy Research Project (extended by ESRC) with
J R Eiser and P Webley.
1985 (Two months)Research Fellow, strategic health research project funded by the Health Education Council, UK. Department of Psychol-ogy, University of Exeter, UK. Director: Professor J R Eiser.
1984-1985 Research Assistant, Energy Research Project ("Nuclear Energy and its Alternatives: Attitudes and Beliefs in South West England." Funded by the SSRC/ESRC, UK) Department of Psychology, University of Exeter. Director: Professor J R Eiser.
1981-1984 Teaching Assistant (Tutor) Social Studies Faculty, Psychology Option, Human Learning and Development Courses, University of Exeter.
1981-1984 Teaching Assistant (Demonstrator). Ancillary and Single Honours Psychology Courses, University of Exeter.
Fellow of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Div 8, APA; 2006)
Fellow of the Association of Psychological Science (APS; 2010)
Kurt Lewin Mid-Career Award EASP (2011)
British Psychological Society.
European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (EAESP).
Associatie van Sociaal Psychologische Onderzoekers (ASPO) (The Netherlands).
Kurt Lewin Instituut (Kurt Lewin Institute, KLI) (The Netherlands).
Social Psychology Section, British Psychological Society, UK.
Fellow of Society of Experimental Social Psychology (SESP), USA.
Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), USA.
Fellow of the Association of Psychological Science (APS), USA.
I have served as an ad hoc reviewer for:-
Acta Psychologica,
Basic and Applied Social Psychology,
British Journal of Social Psychology,
Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/
European Bulletin of Cognitive Psychology,
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science,
Cognition and Emotion,
Communication Research,
European Journal of Social Psychology,
European Review of Social Psychology,
International J. of Man-Machine Studies,
Journal of Communication,
J. of Community & Applied Soc. Psychology,
Media Psychology
Journal of Economic Psychology,
Journal of Environmental Psychology,
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,
Journal of Language and Social Psychology,
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,
Personality and Social Psychology Review,
Political Psychology,
Psychological Bulletin,
Psychological Review,
Quarterly Journal of Experimental
Social Behaviour,
Social Cognition,
Theory & Psychology
Laatst gewijzigd: | 26 juni 2022 14:25 |