dr. R.O.S. (Raymond) Zaal
![Profielfoto van dr. R.O.S. (Raymond) Zaal](/staff/r.o.s.zaal/photo.png?unique=1553776767812.jpg)
Personal information:
Name: Zaal
First name: Raymond Oscar Sylvester
Address: Oud Loosdrechtsedijk 146
City: 1231 KZ Loosdrecht
Telephone: 035 - 5827087
06 – 36529799
E-mail: zaal.raymond gmail.com
Date of birth: 21 August, 1963
Place of birth: Waddinxveen
Marital status: Married
Nationality: Dutch
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
University Teaching Qualification (BKO, Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs)
Nyenrode Business University, Breukelen
PhD Business Ethics
Thesis: Organizational Determinants of Unethical behavior in Commercial Banking
PhD Defense: 22 november 2012
Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland
Summer School on Advanced Methods in the Social Sciences
Structural Equation Modeling I (2011)
Structural Equation Modeling II (2012)
Structural Equation Modeling III (2014)
Nyenrode Business University, Breukelen
PhD School
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methodology Courses
2007 - 2012
Erasmus University Rotterdam / University of Rochester, Rochester (N.Y.), U.S.A.
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Executive MBA, participation fully sponsored by Buhrmann-Tetterode N.V.
Graduated in 1991
Nyenrode Business University, Breukelen
CT (Commercial Technique) program
One year - on campus - program for students with a BSc degree
Graduated in 1985
University for Applied Sciences (HTS), Chemical Engineering
University for Applied Sciences (HTS), The Hague
Royal Dutch Shell Laboratory, Amsterdam
Royal Brinkers' margarine plant, Rotterdam
AKZO, Hengelo
Graduated in 1984
Samenwerkingsschool, Waddinxveen
Graduated in 1980
Military service:
1 September 1985 – 1 November 1986
Royal Dutch Army
Vice-president Algemene Vereniging Nederlandse Militairen (AVNM), an organization for military conscripts with approximately 17,000 members
Main activities and responsibilities:
- Chief editor of a monthly magazine
- Public Relations
- Negotiation and consultation with governmental and political officials
- Acquisition of members
Professional Experience:
March 2013 – today
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Assistant Professor of Financial Ethics
Lecturing (lectures and tutorials) courses in business ethics in various bachelor and master programs of the Faculty of Economics and Business
Supervisor master theses in Finance and International Financial Management programs
Research on financial ethics, integrity management and organizational behaviour
December 2012 – today
Nyenrode Business University
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Integriteitsresearch in financial sector
Lecturing courses in business ethics in Internationaal MBA, Executive MBA, fulltime and part time MSc
April 2007 – today
R.O.S. Zaal, research, training & consultancy
Integrity research and consultancy
Development of course material and trainings, for applications in higher education.
April 2000 – August 2014
Hogeschool Inholland, University of Applied Sciences
Senior Lecturer
Lecturing mainly in English programs, with a focus on International Business and Management Studies (IBMS). Responsible for lecturing various courses in the field of (marketing) management, business ethics, corporate strategy and corporate finance in various educational programs and formats.
Supervisong BBA theses
Development and coaching of project based educational activities such as management games.
Coordinator E-business, a course that has been developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Development of course material for various courses in the field of marketing, corporate strategy, change management.
Lecturer in strategy course in post-HBO controllers program of Nivra-Nyenrode.
February 2011 – March 2013
Université Leonard de Vince, Parijs
Visiting Professor
Management & Organization
June 2004 – August 2010
Nyenrode College BBA
Program developer
Senior Lecturer in marketing strategy and several financial courses.
July 1998 – April 2000
Hogeschool Holland, University of Applied Sciences
Program manager (ad interim) of Management, Economics and Law
Apart from lecturing, responsible for direction of the Management, Economics and Law program (approximately 20 employees).
In this period, several new educational programs have been launched which were developed in close cooperation with external organizations.
November 1997 - June 1998
Hogeschool Holland, University of Applied Sciences
Lecturer economic programs (HEAO).
Responsible for development of educational programs and lecturing, specifically marketing, management and economics.
Supervising bachelor thesis students and project based educational activities.
Development of course materials and lecturer in various post-HBO programs.
February 1996 - October 1997
Elten Systems B.V.
Vice president
Responsible for the day-to-day operation of the company.
January 1995 - January 1996
Elten Systems B.V.
Director of Marketing and Sales
Februari 1993 - December 1994
Hengstler Nederland B.V.
January 1991 - August 1991
Buhrs-Zaandam B.V.
Member of McKinsey PROMIS-team
August 1988 - March 1989
Buhrs-Zaandam B.V.
Business Development Manager of Buhrs-Logistics
February 1988 - January 1993
Buhrs-Zaandam B.V.
Area Manager
After accelerated completion of the management trainee program of Buhrmann-Tetterode N.V., started in the "High Potentials" program of Buhrmann-Tetterode N.V. In this context appointed as Area Manager for Scandinavia, The United Kingdom, Eastern Europe, the United States and South America. During this period, new distributors were appointed in the United States and several countries in South America. Marketing activities have been successfully initiated and extended which has resulted in a strong increase in company revenues and profitability.
Responsible for all business activities in these geographical areas.
Much attention has been given to improving the network of distributors and to the introduction of new products.
Responsible for marketing management of the entire company.
December 1986 - February 1988
Buhrmann-Tetterode N.V.
Management Trainee
Working as a trainee at Buhrs-Zaandam B.V., a company of the Buhrmann-Tetterode group.
Responsible for setting up a marketing data system, sales support and publicity.
Sailing (National Pampus class).
Speed skating.
Waterpolo: KNZB referee and team manager at HZC De Robben, Hilversum.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 15:31 |