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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons P.G. (Peter) Dendooven


1563: Towards real-time range verification for head and neck treatments based on in-beam PET imaging

1636: Real-time in vivo verification of proton therapy using new Monte Carlo framework for head phantom

First Experimental Demonstration of the Use of a Novel Planar Segmented HPGe Detector for Gamma Emission Tomography of Mockup Fuel Rods

Gamma-ray sources imaging and test-beam results with MACACO III Compton camera

Measurement of the12C(p,n)12N reaction cross section below 150 MeV

Measurement of the 12C(p,n)12N reaction cross section below 150 MeV

Quasi-Real-Time In Vivo Range Verification By Nitrogen-12 Positron Imaging in Proton Therapy

RayStation/GATE Monte Carlo simulation framework for verification of proton therapy based on the12N imaging

In-air and in-water performance comparison of Passive Gamma Emission Tomography with activated Co-60 rods

Novel environmental monitoring detector for discriminating fallout and airborne radioactivity


Beam-on PET tracks proton dose in real time

Proton beam radiotherapy. Getting the patient into focus.

Millennium Technology Prize nomination roadshow hits CERN

Protonentherapie. Het nauwkeuriger maken van protonentherapie.