P.G. (Peter) Dendooven

Real-time in vivo verification of proton therapy (RIVER) (2021-2025)
Novel Instrumentation for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards
(from 2015, part-time appointment at the Helsinki Institute of Physics, University of Helsinki)
Previous projects
Time-of-Flight PET with SiPM sensors on monolithic scintillation crystals (2006-2011)
Poster with results on different TOFPET scanner geometries and coincidence resolving times
This project has been selected as a EUREKA success story: one of the best EUREKA R&D projects based on the strength of the final completed innovation.
A cryogenic stopping cell for radioactive ions (2007-2013)
March 19, 2014
Cryogenic Stopping Cell included in EPL Highlights of 2013
The paper describing the ‘First experimental results of a cryogenic stopping cell with short-lived, heavy uranium fragments produced at 1000 MeV/u' has been included in the EPL Highlights of 2013. This collection celebrates the most influential research published in Europhysics Letters in 2013. It is one of only five papers selected in the category "Elementary particles, fields & nuclear physics".
Radioactive ions and atoms in superfluid helium and cryogenic noble gases (2000-2008)
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 02.32 a.m. |