P. (Paul) Krabbe

Mevr. Anita Vermue-Gels (secr):
050 361 8061 (Zusterhuis entrence 27 or 29 room number 1.B.26)
secretariaatepi umcg.nl
p.f.m.krabbe umcg.nl
Research interests
Electronic patient-reported outcome measures
(ePROMs). Together with Nestlé
(Switzerland) the first (preference-based IRT) Infant
instrument has been developed. Several other instruments are
developed too (Chronic Pain, CS-Base generic, Dementia,
Health outcome measurement. I have
invented various new methods to improve the measurement of
patients' outcomes (HealthFan, HealthSnApp, MAPR model, Chateau
Sante cloud platform, design routines).