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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M. (Melania) Tudorica, LLM


Legal Framework for Digital Evidence Following the Implementation of the EIO Directive: Status Quo, Challenges and Experiences in Member States

Commission proposal on the temporary derogation from the e-Privacy Directive for the purpose of fighting online child sexual abuse: Targeted substitute impact assessment

Privacy policies, cross-border health data and the GDPR

The GDPR Transfer Regime and Modern Technologies

The GDPR Transfer Regime and Modern Technologies

The European Legal Framework on Electronic Evidence: Complex and in Need of Reform

The way forward: A Roadmap for the European Union

La regolamentazione delle prove elettroniche nei processi penali in “situazioni transnazionali”: problemi in attesa di soluzioni

E-CRIME project: Deliverable 1.1 Project handbook: Research methodology options to research the economic impact of cybercrime

EVIDENCE project - Deliverable 6.4 Review of laws and other regulations governing ethical and data protection issues