M. (Melania) Tudorica, LLM

TRaining on European Investigation Order (TREIO) Project originated from the combined efforts of three projects - EXEC, EVIDENCE2e-CODEX and e-Evidence, working together to build up the secure and trusted infrastructure allowing the exchange of EIO forms and evidences between judicial authorities of the Member States;
Intelligence Network and Secure Platform for Evidence Correlation and Transfer (INSPECTr). The principle objective of INSPECTr will be to develop a shared intelligent platform and a novel process for gathering, analysing, prioritising and presenting key data to help in the prediction, detection and management of crime in support of multiple agencies at local, national and international level;
E-CRIME: researches the economic impacts of cybercrime in non-ICT sectors across jurisdictions.
European Informatics Data Exchange Framework for Courts and Evidence (EVIDENCE) researches existing legal and technical barriers to the full exploitation of new technologies potentialities in the collection, use and exchange of evidence. EVIDENCE aims at providing a road map (guidelines, recommendations, technical standards) for realising the missing Common European Framework for the systematic and uniform application of new technologies in the collection, use and exchange of evidence.
Scalable Measures for Automated Recognition Technologies (SMART) researches privacy and data protection implications of smart surveillance technologies. The aim of the project is to develop a model law and a toolkit for policy makers, law enforcement agencies, legislative bodies, etc.
Rules, Expectations & Security through Privacy-Enhanced Convenient Technologies (RESPECT) researches legal, economic and social costs of surveillance technologies.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 10:52 |