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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. M.J. (Martin) Goedhart


Designing a module for supporting secondary biology students’ morality through socioscientific issues in the human-nature context

Formulating a conjecture through an identification of robust invariants with a dynamic geometry system

High school biology students’ use of values in their moral argumentation and decision-making

Chemiedidactisch Onderzoek. is er nog toekomst?

Learning trajectory of geometry proof construction: Studying the emerging understanding of the structure of Euclidean proof

Multiple representations (MR)-based instructional approach in support of physics identity and physics teachers’ identity development: Design considerations

Nieuwe examenprogramma's. De NVON denkt mee!

Role of Graphs in Blending Physical and Mathematical Meaning of Partial Derivatives in the Context of the Heat Equation

Hoe herken je slechte wetenschap?

Preservice Physics Teachers' Development of Physics Identities: the Role of Multiple Representations


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