prof. dr. M.J. (Martin) Goedhart

Martin Goedhart (born 1955) gained his master’s degree in chemistry in 1980 with specialization biochemistry. He worked as a chemistry teacher in several schools for laboratory technicians (1982-1992). He obtained his PhD in chemical education in 1990 (Utrecht University, Netherlands) with a thesis on inquiry-based laboratory courses for first-year university chemistry students.
From 1992 he was affiliated at the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) as assistant professor at the Graduate School for Teaching and Learning, and as associate professor at the AMSTEL institute, an institute for design and research of mathematics and science education.
From 2004 he has been professor in mathematics and science education at the University of Groningen (Netherlands) and director of ISEC (Institute for Science Education and Communication). In this position he was lecturer and director of the master’s programme in science education and communication until 2018. He taught courses on science education and communication, and research methods in social science. His research is focused on mathematics and science teaching, at upper secondary and university levels. His expertise comprises conceptual development, teacher education, scientific reasoning and academic literacy. He has extensive experience as reviewer, PhD supervisor, project leader, and author of scientific publications. He was involved in the DUDOC programme (PhD projects for high school teachers), ICAB (collaboration between Dutch universities on curriculum development), post-doc VO (post-doc research projects by mathematics and science high school teachers), and beta4all (programme with disciplinary courses for Dutch student teachers).
He retired in August 2021.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 07 september 2022 10:22 |