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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M. (Maarten) Derksen


Making sense of colour-coded personality profiles in developmental contexts within organizations

One Profile Five Stories: An Autoethnography of Sensemaking and Meaning-Making of a Personality Profile

Replications are informative, particularly when they fail

Replication studies in the Netherlands: Lessons learned and recommendations for funders, publishers and editors, and universities

The methods and principles of the natural sciences are not a diet we need to follow: A close look at the terms of the question

Epistemologische diversiteit: droom, nachtmerrie, of alledaags gegeven?

Kinds of Replication: Examining the Meanings of “Conceptual Replication” and “Direct Replication”

The Tone Debate: Knowledge, Self, and Social Order

A Menagerie of Imposters and Truth-Tellers: Diederik Stapel and the crisis in Psychology

Experimenter as automaton; experimenter as human: Exploring the position of the researcher in scientific research


Overheid wees transparant in strijd tegen het coronavirus

Wie slippers draagt is minder productief

Manipulation out of control. J.A.M. Meerloo's menticide

Explanation, prediction, replication and application

Research, teaching, and...? [blog]

"Objective" science and the "subjective I

Het Grote Grijze Mijnenveld

Facebook's manipulations [blog]

Codes [blog]

Interview with UK about Stapel affair.