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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. M.C. (Marije) Michel


Measuring lexical alignment during L2 peer interaction via written synchronous computer-mediated communication: An eye-tracking study

Task Effects on Linguistic Complexity and Accuracy: A Largeā€Scale Learner Corpus Analysis Employing Natural Language Processing Techniques

Measuring cognitive task demands using dual task methodology, subjective self-ratings, and expert judgments: A Validation Study

Language at preschool in Europe: Early years professionals in the spotlight

Effects of task complexity on the use of conjunctions in oral L2 task performance

Task design for highly educated newcomers: Improvement and implementation through Lesson Study

Adopting ChatGPT as a writing buddy in the advanced L2 writing class

Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency (CAF) as a Pedagogical Target

Interaktionsstrukturen und korrektives Feedback in der Telekollaboration von Lehramtsstudierenden und DaF-Studierenden

Investigating the relationships of writing behaviours to linguistic complexity and accuracy in independent and integrated writing task performance


Juist nu hebben we ze nodig: jongeren die leraar Duits willen worden | opinie

Opinie: Wees trots op de jongere die leraar Duits wil worden

Nieuwsbrief mvt (moderne vreemde talen) - redactie

Groningse hoogleraar over alarmdag: 'Ik werk elke avond door'

Podcast Interview: Taal Gewoon Doen! - #2: Grammatica leren door te communiceren

Als je wilt dat studenten in het Engels studeren, moet je het ze wel leren

Huh, wat zei je? Als je accent een belemmering vormt

Imagining the Future of Multilingualism

Deutsch im Norden (DIN)