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prof. dr. M.C. (Marije) Michel

Full Professor of Second Language Acquisition & Chair of Language Learning
Profile picture of prof. dr. M.C. (Marije) Michel

  • WELLEN-NL - Well-being and Language Learning in highly Educated Newcomers in the Netherlands. YAG Interdisciplinary Incentive Fund. 2023-present.
  • Spencer Foundation Small Grant 'Using Eye-Tracking as an Educational Tool: An Investigation into the Effects of Interactive Eye-Tracking on Second Language Vocabulary Knowledge'
    Andrea Révész (PI) & Ana Pellicer-Sanchez (University College London), & Marije Michel (RUG) and Matt Stainer (Griffiths University). 2023-2025.

  • Language learning and mental health. With Jelle Brouwer & Rawan Altakriti - funded by a Small Grant of the Rudolf Agricola School of Sustainable Development.

  • EAN Groningen - Together with Seyit Gök (PhD) we are heading the Groningen branch of English Academy for Newcomers where we provide English lessons for highly educated refugees, asylum seekers and other newcomers in the North. 2021-present
    Research projects:
    • Needs analysis on writing. With Mahshid Alvandi, Pouran Seifi, Penny Heisterkamp and Serpil Meri-Yilan.
    • Newcomers' beliefs on language learning. With Kinan Alajak.
  • L1/L2/L3 Writing - Processes and behaviours of Dutch students writing in English and German - with Anja Schüppert. 2020-present
  • Language Learning beyond English - Exploring ways to encourage multilingualism in Europe. 2020-present
  • Meesterschapsteam mvt - vakdidactisch onderzoek op het gebied van moderne vreemde talen in het voortgezet onderwijs. Hiervoor geef ik de maandelijkse nieuwsbrief mvt uit voor docenten en andere geïnteresseerden in de brug tussen onderzoek naar en onderwijs in moderne vreemde talen. 2020-present
  • Ch@t @lign - Alignment during digitally mediated communication (text chat) - exploring socio-cognitive processes - with Bryan Smith (Arizona State University), Breffni O'Rourke (Trinity College Dublin), Marco Cappellini (CNRS/Univ Aix-Marseille), Christine Appel (Open University Catalunya) and others. 2013-present
  • ENGaGE - Digital English and German task bank for 4th-8th class dyslexic learners - funded by Erasmus+ (Project-Number:  2017-1-HU01-KA201-035955). 2017-2021
  • The Impact of Writing Proficiency on Second Language Writing Behaviours and Text Quality - with Andrea Révész (PI, University College London, IoE) - funded by Educational Testing Service (ETS). 2017-2020
  • The Effect of Test-Taker's Working Memory and Task Motivation on TOEFL Junior Comprehensive Test Scores - with Judit Kormos (PI) & Tineke Brunfaut (Lancaster University) - funded by Educational Testing Service (ETS). 2016-2017
  • External Validation of Task Complexity - with Andrea Révész (UCL, IOE) and Roger Gilabert (Universtitat Barcelona). 2011-2016
  • Design and implementation of a task based needs analysis study in three stages - with Roger Gilabert and Mayya Levkina (both Universtitat Barcelona) funded by Yes'N'You Language Learning. 2015-2018
  • Validating Task 2 from the Academic writing IELTS test - with Andrea Révész (UCL, IOE) - funded by the British Council. 2015

PhD supervision

Ongoing (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)

  • Zhixing Han 'The longitudinal development of writing processes and its association with the task, the writing product and individual differences'. Fully funded CSC scholarshp. Co-supervised with Rasmus Steinkrauss.
  • Penny Heisterkamp "Writing processes in English and Dutch medium instruction" Fully funded by CLCG Groningen University. Co-supervised with Anja Schüppert and Veerle Baayen.
  • Andreas Hiemstra "Linguistic transfer between closely related languages in third-language acquisition (Dutch-German-English)" - Sandwich PhD Universität Oldenburg. Co-supervised with Gregory Poarch, Esther Ruigendijk.
  • Christine Veldwijk "Increasing linguistic complexity in communicative speaking tasks in the EFL classroom" - Fully funded by Dudoc Alfa. Co-supervised with Marrit van de Guchte and Carla van Boxtel.
  • Fred Sikkens "Sprech-Schreibbrücke Deutsch" - externe promovendus. Co-supervised with Audrey Rousse-Malpat.
  • Mohamed Salama "A dynamic usage-based approach to TBLT" - externe promovendus. Co-supervised with Audrey Rousse-Malpat.
  • Loes Groen "Bruggen bouwen: Een academisch profielspecifiek leesvaardigheidsprogramma op het VWO ter voorbereiding op het lezen van wetenschappelijke Engelstalige teksten in het vervolgonderwijs"
  • Laura Stiefenhöfer “Invstigating collaborative task-based online writing. Triangulating eye-tracking and key-stroke logging”. Fully funded English for Academic Purposes Scholarship, Lancaster University.

Completed (Lancaster University)

  • Jacky Chan “Word learning by child EFL learners in natural settings – the role of the preschool teacher” Co-supervised with Padraic Monaghan. Fully funded Economics and Social Sciences Research Council (ESRC) Scholarship, UK (2020).
  • Giulia Sulis “The dynamics of student and teacher motivation in the task-based multilingual classroom”. Co-supervised with Jenefer Philp. Fully funded Faculty of Social Sciences Scholarship, Lancaster University (2020). 
  • Lara Vella “Out of school attitudes of parents and their children towards English and Maltese in Malta” (2018).
  • Nadia ElAraini “Knowledge and use of syntactic focusing devices of advanced Saudi female EFL learners” (2018).
  • José Luis Moreno Vega “Effects of input enhancement on L2 intake” (2018).
  • Abdalkarim Zawawi “Quantifying syntactic priming in oral production: A corpus-based investigation into dyadic interaction of L1-L1 and L2-L2 speakers of English” (2017).
  • Nicola Halenko “Evaluating the explicit pragmatic instruction of requests and apologies in a study abroad setting.The case of Chinese ESL learners at a UK higher education institution” (2017).
  • Muna Al-Shehri “Incidental vocabulary acquisition through listening by young Saudi Arabic learners of English” (2015).
Last modified:28 January 2025 11.23 p.m.