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University Medical Center Groningen

prof. dr. M.A.T.M. (Marcel) van Vugt

Professor of Molecular Oncology, Board member Comprehensive Cancer Center UMCG


cGAS-STING pathway expression correlates with genomic instability and immune cell infiltration in breast cancer

EXO1 protects BRCA1-deficient cells against toxic DNA lesions

FIRRM and FIGNL1: partners in the regulation of homologous recombination

RAD52-dependent mitotic DNA synthesis is required for genome stability in Cyclin E1-overexpressing cells

FIRRM/C1orf112 is synthetic lethal with PICH and mediates RAD51 dynamics

MND1 and PSMC3IP control PARP inhibitor sensitivity in mitotic cells

POLQ to the rescue for double-strand break repair during mitosis

PPM1D activity promotes the replication stress caused by cyclin E1 overexpression

The Fanconi anemia core complex promotes CtIP-dependent end-resection to drive homologous recombination at DNA double-strand breaks

WEE1 inhibitor adavosertib in combination with carboplatin in advanced TP53 mutated ovarian cancer: A biomarker-enriched phase II study

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UMCG krijgt miljoen euro voor onderzoek naar therapie bij agressieve borstkanker

University of Groningen: Vici grants for two Groningen-based researchers

Twee Groningse onderzoekers krijgen forse subsidies

Miljoenen voor UMCG-onderzoek naar vroeg opsporen van astma en 'de achilleshiel' van kankercellen

Gelauwerde proefschriften met Poolse samenvattingen

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