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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. M.A.T.M. (Marcel) van Vugt


Acute multi-level response to defective de novo chromatin assembly in S-phase

cGAS-STING pathway expression correlates with genomic instability and immune cell infiltration in breast cancer

EXO1 protects BRCA1-deficient cells against toxic DNA lesions

FIRRM and FIGNL1: partners in the regulation of homologous recombination

Functional ex vivo DNA fibre assay to measure replication dynamics in breast cancer tissue

PPM1D activity promotes the replication stress caused by cyclin E1 overexpression

Quantifying DNA replication speeds in single cells by scEdU-seq

RAD51 recruitment but not replication fork stability associates with PARP inhibitor response in ovarian cancer patient-derived xenograft models

RAD52-dependent mitotic DNA synthesis is required for genome stability in Cyclin E1-overexpressing cells

The Fanconi anemia core complex promotes CtIP-dependent end resection to drive homologous recombination at DNA double-strand breaks

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UMCG krijgt miljoen euro voor onderzoek naar therapie bij agressieve borstkanker

University of Groningen: Vici grants for two Groningen-based researchers

Twee Groningse onderzoekers krijgen forse subsidies

Miljoenen voor UMCG-onderzoek naar vroeg opsporen van astma en 'de achilleshiel' van kankercellen

Gelauwerde proefschriften met Poolse samenvattingen

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