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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.A.G. (Marjolein) van Offenbeek


The influence of electronic health record use on collaboration among medical specialties

New Rules of Engagement: How Adaptation To Online Media Changes Older Adults' Social Connectedness

De ziekenhuisarts: eerste praktijkervaringen

Verkenning van de mogelijke inzet van DCM Thuis voor mantelzorgers: Rapportage onderzoek in opdracht van Stichting Watten in mijn hoofd

Shaping a buyer’s software selection process through tendering legislation

Stakeholders' enactment of competing logics in IT governance: polarization, compromise or synthesis?

Implementation fidelity trajectories of a health promotion program in multidisciplinary settings: Managing tensions in rehabilitation care

Social Community Teams’ Creation of Service Integration Through Boundary Work and Play with Their Stakeholders

The ethics of using generative AI for qualitative data analysis

Understanding variation in subunit adoption of electronic health records: facilitating and constraining configurations of critical dependencies


Effecten van telewerken