dr. M.A.G. (Marjolein) van Offenbeek
Universitair hoofddocent

050 36 37147 (Secretariaat Tineke Beuker)
m.a.g.van.offenbeek rug.nl
- 2020 – 2022 ‘Baanbrekende professionals: naar eenvoud en samenhang in wijkgericht werken.’ Project leader, together with prof. E. Buskens. Funded by ZonMw 70-74400-98-1925.
- 2019 – 2020 ‘Fostering management and innovation skills for health professionals’ . Co-operation with Uppsala university, Sweden (PI prof. James Sallis). EIT Health campus grant 20570.
- 2018 – 2019 ‘Exploring how Dementia Care Mapping at home may support informal carers’. Principal investigator, co-operation with UMCG-TGO. Funded by Stichting ‘Watten in het hoofd’.
- 2015 – 2018 Effect evaluation study ‘The implementation and adoption of the hospital physician in Dutch hospitals’. Principal investigator. Co-operation with UMCG-TGO, funded by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.
- 2012 – 2013 ‘Integral Elderly Project North East Groningen’, sequel to the Zon-Mw/NPO Elderly care programme. Co-operation with UMCG (PI prof. Slaets; with A. van Etten (UMCG), H. Broekhuis (RuG) and M. Eissens-van der Laan (RuG). Funded by Groningen county, UMCG, Menzis.
- 2011 – 2015 ‘ Verzoamelstee project. Co-operation with TGO-UMCG. Supervision of PhD together with A. Boonstra and H. Wortmann, funded by ZonMw (NPO).
- 2011 – 2014 ‘The implementation and adoption of the hospital physician in Dutch hospitals: process evaluation’. Principal investigator. Collaboration with TGO-UMCG. Funded by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.
- 2012 – Project advisor for ‘Introduction of Audit generated Changes in perinatal care using Tailored implementation strategies. (ACTion-project)’. Funded by ZonMW.
- 2010 – ‘Job differentiation in oral care, local effects of institutional changes’. Principal investigator. Collaboration with the Hanze University of Applied Sciences and with Dentistry (RuG), funded by the Capaciteitsorgaan NL.
- 2010 – NPO Transition project elderly care: ‘Analysis of the care needs and organising care and support from the older adult’s perspective’. Together with H. Broekhuis and K. Ahaus, A. Labun (post-doc) and M. Essens (PhD). Funded by ZonMw.
- 2009 – Implementation of the multidisciplinairy guideline Schizofrenia. Proposal written together with K. Ahaus and H. Broekhuis. Research conducted in collaboration with Trimbos Institute. Funded by ZonMw.
- 2007 – Project advisor for the UMCG Psychiatry research on risk factors in the adoption of an innovative therapy. Funded by ZonMw.
- 2007 – ‘Implementation and effects of KOALA telecare and –cure’. (in Dutch: Kijken Op Afstand Logisch Alternatief). Project leader of one of the projects in this research programme. Funded by Menzis, KPN, TZG, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and Ministry of Economic Affairs.
- 2007 – ‘Scenario-development for new professions’. Principal investigator. Collaboration with J. Wijngaard (RuG) in cooperation with the UMCG and Asintik, funded by MOBG and Capaciteitsorgaan.
- 2003 – ‘Changing job structures: matching demand and supply in the medical profession’. Project leader, cooperation with the UMCG-Wenckebach, supervision of M. Oosterhuis. Funded by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.
- 2003 – ‘Effects of Nurse Practitioners on the organisation and effectiveness of care processes.’ Project leader. Research conducted in cooperation with the UMCG-Wenckebach, funded by the Ministry of Healthcare, Welfare and Sport.
- 2002 – ‘Inventory of job differentiation in Dutch hospitals.’ Project leader. Research conducted together with UMCG, funded by College voor Zorgverzekeringen (CVZ).
- 1998 – 1999 ‘Business Process Re-engineering; Managementideeën in vol bedrijf’. Research with dr. Diane Watts, De Baak and Kees van Veen. Funded by Foundation de Baak - Management Center VNO-NCW.
Co-promotion of the following PhD studies:
- Changing scopes of practice and job satisfaction in dental care (RUG-Hanzehoogeschool promovenda Katharina Jerkovic,
- NPO De Verzoamelstee, promovenda Eveline Hagen
- NPO Transitieproject , promovenda Monique van der Laan
- 2008 - De effectiviteit van de ontwikkeling en inzet van multidisciplinair opgeleide artsen op de spoedopvang van ziekenhuizen. Promovenda C. Kathan, Promotoren A.M. Sorge en R.O.B. Gans
- 2005 - Analyse van de taakherschikking op het grensvlak van de medische en de verpleegkundige beroepsgroep in historisch perspectief. Promovenda P. Roodbol . Promotor A.M. Sorge. (externe promovendus UMCG)
- 2005 - Werken met Nurse practitioners: effecten van functiedifferentiatie op de grens van care en cure. Promovenda M. Knip. Promotor A.M. Sorge. (RuG-SOM i.s.m. UMCG)
- 2004 - Workflowmanagement systemen en teamleren; beperkend of faciliterend? Promovendus A. van Rheede (RuG-SOM, afgerond). Promotor A.M. Sorge.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 14:18 |