prof. dr. L.J.G. (Leo) van Wissen

- "Demografische ontwikkelingen en woningbehoefte in Noord-Nederland en Westerkwartier", Leo van Wissen, presentatie voor Woningcorporatie Wold en Waard, 11 mei 2009.
- "Prognoses voor het Noorden vergeleken", Leo van Wissen, presentatie op Congres Vastgoed Groningen, 14 mei 2009.
- "Midden-Drenthe in de krimp? Trends en gevolgen van bevolkingskrimp in de gemeente en Noord-Nederland", Leo van Wissen, presentatie Gemeente Midden Drenthe, 20 mei 2009.
- "Krimp: zegen of vloek?", Leo van Wissen, presentatie Congres Nationaal Platform Bevolkingskrimp, 3-4 juni 2009.
- "URSI and population decline. Why, what and how?", Leo van Wissen, presentatie URSI disucssion meeting, 17 juni 2009.
- "Comments on the report: Forecasting of immigration flows until 2025 for selected European countries using expert information" (J. Bijak, A. Wisniowski), Leo van Wissen, presentatie IDEA final conference, Krakow, 6 juni 2009.
- "Is migratie een oplossing voor bevolkingskrimp in het Noorden?", Leo van Wissen, presentatie op het NVD jaarcongres 'Veranderd demografisch tij. Oorzaken en gevolgen van bevolkingsdaling in Nederland en Europa', 9 oktober 2008, SER-gebouw, Den Haag [presentatie] [programme].
- "Het Noorden in een krimp? Trends en gevolgen van bevolkingsdaling in het Noorden", Leo van Wissen, presentatie op het congres 'Krimp en ruimte. Kansen voor het Noorden?'' van de Stichting Geo Promotion, 5 maart 2008, Euroborg, Groningen [presentatie].
- "Coherente p rognose van de levensverwachting in Nederland en andere Europese landen - de Li&Lee benadering ", Leo van Wissen en Fanny Janssen, presentatie op het seminar ' Ontwikkeling levensverwachting in Nederland en andere Europese landen', 5 maart 2008, NIDI, Den Haag [presentatie] [programme].
- "Demografische trends en woningbehoefte in Noord Nederland", Leo van Wissen en Viktor Venhorst. Verschillende gelegenheden, o.a. Overleg directeuren woningcorporaties Groningen-Drenthe (ODW) op 3 april 2007; Groninger woningcorporaties en provincie Groningen, bij De Huismeesters, 20 april 2007 [more information].
- "Explaining spatial homogamy. Spatial, socio-economic and cultural aspects of the partner market in the Netherlands", Karen Haandrikman, Leo van Wissen and Carel Harmsen. Paper presented at the ERSA conference, Paris, 29 August-2 September 2007.
- "Determinants of the distribution of asylum-seekers over Northern and Western European countries", Roel Jennissen and Leo van Wissen. Paper presented at the Dutch Demography Day, 9 October 2007.
- "Religion, minority status and reproduction in India and Bangladesh", Biswamitra Sahu, Leo van Wissen and Inge Hutter. Paper presented at the World Congress of Sociology, 24-29 July, 2006, Durban, South Africa.
"Spatial homogamy: Geographical dimensions of the partner market in the Netherlands.", Karen Haandrikman, Inge Hutter, Leo van Wissen and Peter Groote. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), 31 March-2 April 2005, Philadelphia.
"Geographical scale and the role of firm migration in spatial economic dynamics", Leo van Wissen and Veronique Schutjens. Paper presented at the annual ERSA conference, 23-27 August, 2005, Amsterdam.
"A model of internal firm relocation in the Netherlands", Corina Huisman and Leo van Wissen. Paper presented at the annual ERSA conference, 23-27 August, 2005, Amsterdam.
"In search of a modelling strategy for projecting internal migration in European countries. Demographic versus economic-geographical appraoches", Leo van Wissen, Nicole van der Gaag, Phil Rees and John Stillwell. Paper presented at the annual ERSA conference, 23-27 August, 2005, Amsterdam.
- "It's the population, stupid!", Leo van Wissen, keynote speech at the Dutch Demography Day, 6 October 2005, Utrecht.
- "A multistate demographic model for firms in the province of Gelderland", Corina Huisman and Leo van Wissen. Paper presented at the annual ERSA conference, 25-29 August, 2004, Porto.
- "Explaining new trends in the gender gap of mortality. Insights from a regional trend analysis of the Netherlands", Jeroen Spijker, Frans van Poppel and Leo van Wissen. Paper presented at the European Population Conference, 26-30 August, 2003, Warsaw.
"Spin-offs and start-ups in the Netherlands", Sierdjan Koster and Leo van Wissen. Presented at ERSA conference, 27-30 August, 2003, Finland.
- "Geographical variability of Gibrat's law of firm growth", Leo van Wissen. Paper presented at the annual ERSA conference, 27-30 August, 2003, Finland.
- "Inherited resources and company support as a basis for new firm formation", Sierdjan Koster and Leo van Wissen. Presented at the Uddevalla symposium, Sweden.
- "The demography of entrepreneurs and enterprises", Leo van Wissen. Paper presented at the annual ERSA conference, 27-31 August, 2002, Dortmund.
- "A demographic simulation model of spatial industrial dynamics", Corina Huisman and Leo van Wissen. Paper presented at the annual ERSA conference, 27-31 August, 2002, Dortmund.
- "Internationale vluchtelingenstromen op globaal en Europees niveau", Roel Jennissen and Leo van Wissen. Paper presented at the symposium "De wegen van een vluchteling", Ravenstein, 15 November 2001.
- "Economic developments and internal migration propensities", Nicole van der Gaag and Leo van Wissen. Paper presented at the European Population Conference, Helsinki, 7-9 June, 2001.
- "A spatial interpretation of the density model in industrial demography: towards a synthesis with spatial sciences", Leo van Wissen. Paper presented at the annual conference of the European Regional Science Association, 29 August-1 September, 2001, Zagreb.
- "Regional allocation of immigrants using stocks of foreign residents as predictor", Nicole van der Gaag and Leo van Wissen. Paper presented at the BSPS/NVD Conference 'Population Studies in Britain and the Netherlands', Utrecht, 31 August-1 September.
Last modified: | 26 February 2024 07.41 a.m. |