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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. L.G. (Ina) Horlings


Citizen Engagement in Urban Green Spaces: A Role-Based Analysis of Supportive Professional Actors

Climate adaptation

Planning in a place of co-becoming: Informal and more-than-human placemaking in Scottish vacant land policy

Stakeholder Acceptance of Large-Scale Floating Developments: Insights from Social Theory and Realized Projects in the Netherlands

Subnational leadership in response to environment and climate change

Evaluating co-creation in social innovation projects: Towards a process orientated framework for EU projects and beyond

The art of muddling through: spatial planning conditions for citizen energy communities

Regeneration at a distance from the state: From radical imaginaries to alternative practices in Dutch farming

Resourceful Resilience: Advancing Community Environmental Action through Care, Collaboration and Creativity

Same same, but different…? The emergence of Public Sector Innovation Labs in theory and practice


Maciej Grzenkowicz and Julia Munuera Garcia win Rudolf Agricola PhD Grants March 2024

Planning for Food Commons in a Post-COVID World

Deep adaptation

Blog Planning for food commons in a post-COVID world

Place leadership