prof. dr. L.G. (Ina) Horlings

See the full CV here
2016-now: Prof. Socio-Spatial Planning, Faculty Spatial Sciences, Spatial Planning and Environment, University of Groningen.
2010-2016: Assistant Professor, Rural Sociology Group, Wageningen University.
2009-2010: Researcher sustainable rural and regional development, School for City and Regional Planning (CPLAN), Cardiff University, Wales, UK.
2004-2009: Researcher and policy advisor, Telos Centre for Sustainability, University of Tilburg.
2003: Coordinator and co-author of the Vision part of the National Plan for a Versatile Countryside, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Rural Department, The Hague.
2000-2002: Policy Advisor, researcher and program manager rural development, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Expertise Centre, Wageningen/Ede.
1997-2000: Program manager Business Unit Green & Space, Plan Development DLV Consultancy, Wageningen,
1996-1997: Researcher nature management, Centre for Agriculture and Environment (CLM), Utrecht.
1990-1995: Researcher and lecturer, Radboud University Nijmegen.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 16 oktober 2023 12:52 |