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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. L.B. (Louise) Meijering

Research interests

place attachment, well-being, home, identity, community, older adults, ageing, stroke, qualitative methodology


Places that matter: Place attachment and wellbeing of older Antillean migrants in the Netherlands

De participatieve benadering in de ouderenzorg: Zorg Zonder Regels in De Hoven

Introduction: geographies of ageing and well-being

Constructing ruralities: The case of the Hobbitstee, Netherlands

A Deep-Fried Delight: The Oliebollen Framework of Demographic Research

Internal migrants' social integration through community volunteering during the pandemic in China

A 5-day codesign sprint to improve housing decisions of older adults: lessons learned from Sweden and the Netherlands

Challenges and opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A layered vulnerabilities perspective

Conceptualising justice in transit-oriented development (TOD): towards an analytical framework

‘I choose the quiet roads’: Everyday mobility in later life on the urban–rural continuum of the Northern Netherlands


Space to grow old happily

Ny modell för rehabilitering i hemmet efter stroke

In the spotlight: Aletta Jacobs professors - Prof. Louise Meijering

The UG celebrates International Women's Day 2022

Kijk op Eenzaamheid aflevering 3: Betrokken Buurt

How are older people coping with lockdown?

Collecting GPS data from the elderly: research-related security issues addressed

Rehab-4-Life na hersenletsel

“John has got diabetes – but he has to eat like the rest of us”: The importance of improving critical health literacy