prof. dr. L.B. (Louise) Meijering
Professor in Health Geography

My research programme focuses on well-being, mobility and attachment to place in later life. My research is situated in the Population Research Centre, and fits (mostly) in the faculty's research topics around Migration & Mobility, and Population & Well-being.
Current projects
- Meaningful Mobility (ERC)
- COORDINATEs (teChnology tO suppORt DecIsioN making about Aging aT homE)
Completed projects
- Coaching in Home and Placemaking (ZonMw, in Dutch)
- IROHLA Intervention Research on Health Literacy of the Ageing Population
- 'Care without rules' (Zorg Zonder Regels, De Hoven, in Dutch)
- Place-making in intentional communities (PhD research)
- Qualitative life-history interviews
- In-situ interviews (walking/ go-along interviews)
- GPS-tracking
- Activity diaries
- In-depth interviews
- Focus group discussions
Northern Netherlands; and projects in the United Kingdom, Canada, Sweden and India.
I supervise different PhD students who work on themes that fit into my research programme.
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 4.42 p.m. |