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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons K. (Kristina) Czura, Dr


Cultural taboos and misinformation about menstrual health management in rural Bangladesh

Improved menstrual health and the workplace: An RCT with female Bangladeshi garment workers

Employee Performance and Mental Well-Being: The Mitigating Effects of Transformational Leadership during Crisis

Financial market responses to a natural disaster: Evidence from credit networks and the Indian Ocean tsunami

Microfinance loan officers before and during Covid-19: Evidence from India

Flexible Microcredit: Effects on Loan Repayment and Social Pressure

Menstrual Health, Worker Productivity and Well-Being among Female Bangladeshi Garment Workers

Financial Market Responses to a Natural Disaster: Evidence from Local Credit Networks and the Indian Ocean Tsunami

Unfair Incentives: A Behavioral Note on Sharecropping

Do flexible repayment schedules improve the impactof microcredit?