K. (Kristina) Czura, Dr

You can find a list of ongoing projects here.
Do Pension Savings by Smallholder Farmers in Africa Depend on Old-Age Support of their Children? (with Frederick Amon-Armah (University of Groningen & CRIG), Hanna Fromell (Aarhus University) & Robert Lensink (University of Groningen)
Leadership qualities and group performance - Experimental evidence from a large scale lab-in-the-field experiment (with Simeon Schudy (LMU Munich) & Abu Shonchoy (Florida International University))
The effects of information sharing on moral hazard in credit markets - Evidence from a randomized evaluation in the Philippines (with Matthias Fahn (University of Linz) & Lisa Spantig (RWTH Aachen & University of Exeter))
Liquidity management in the face of extreme weather: Empirical evidence of microfinance clients in the Philippines (with Maria Mendoza-Jiménez (Erasmus University Rotterdam & & Lisa Spantig (RWTH Aachen & University of Exeter))
Contract design and demand for credit in microfinance - Evidence from lab-in-the-field and field experiments in rural Bangladesh (with Abu Shonchoy (Florida International University))
Willingness to pay for microinsurance and flexibility: Evidence from an agricultural investment lab-in-the-field experiment in Senegal (with Vianney Dequiedt (CERDI - University of Auvergne))
Risk taking and crowding out in formal and informal insurance: Evidence from field lab experiments with aquaculture insurance in rural Vietnam
Identifying and Teaching High-Growth Entrepreneurship: Experimental Evidence from Academies for University Students in Uganda (with Vojtech Bartos (University of Milan), Michael Kaiser, Timm Opitz (MPI Munich) & Brendan Shanks)
Gender specific project evaluation and access to finance (with Vojtech Bartos (University of Milan), Silvia Castro (LMU Munich) and Timm Opitz (MPI Munich))
Laatst gewijzigd: | 13 juli 2023 16:52 |